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Kaikeyi, one of the principal wives of King Dasaratha and the stepmother of Lord Rama, loved Rama as dearly as her own son, Bharata. Similarly, Lord Rama honored and served Kaikeyi with the same devotion and respect that he showed to his own mother, Kausalya. However, the influence of Maya, the illusory energy, entered the heart of Kaikeyi’s maidservant, Mantara, a hunchbacked woman with malicious intent.

Kaikeyi was joyfully celebrating the news that Rama would soon be crowned king, but Mantara poisoned her happiness. She told Kaikeyi, “You foolish woman! Do you not realize that when Rama becomes king, he will be envious of your son, Bharata? Knowing that Bharata is superior to him, Rama will banish him to the forest and exile you along with him.” At first, Kaikeyi refused to believe Mantara, saying, “This cannot be! Rama loves me as much as he loves his own mother, and Bharata and Rama are such loving friends. They have never quarreled.” But the venomous seeds of envy planted by Mantara began to take root in Kaikeyi’s heart, turning her against the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Rama.

When King Dasaratha visited Kaikeyi that night, he found her lying on the ground in great distress. Concerned for his beloved wife, Dasaratha expressed his love for her and asked how he could make her happy. Kaikeyi reminded him of the two boons he had promised her long ago when she had saved his life on the battlefield. Without suspecting her true intentions, Dasaratha vowed to fulfill her wishes.

Like a serpent spitting venom, Kaikeyi revealed her cruel demands: “Banish Rama to the forest for fourteen years and crown my son Bharata as king.” Dasaratha was struck by her words as if by a thunderbolt, and he collapsed in despair. Though he tried to reason with her, Kaikeyi’s mind had been corrupted by the evil influence of Mantara, and she remained resolute in her demands.

Maya’s Influence on Conditioned Souls

In a discourse by Radhanath Swami, he explains that the situation of all conditioned souls in this world is similar to Kaikeyi’s. Originally, we are all pure, unalloyed associates of the Lord, with Lord Rama or Lord Krishna meant to be worshipped within the kingdom of our hearts. However, no matter how great or exalted we may be, if we associate with materially minded people and believe in what they say, all our good qualities can be destroyed.

The law of God dictates that we become like those we associate with. If we associate with saintly people, we become saintly, but if we associate with materialistic people, we become envious and materialistic. This is why all scriptures and spiritual teachers throughout history have emphasized the importance of associating with holy people. Associating with those too attached to material enjoyment is more spiritually deadly than willingly drinking poison. Maya, the illusory energy, is expert in entering our lives and polluting our consciousness, causing us to exile God from our hearts.

Just as Maya entered Kaikeyi’s life through Mantara, contaminating her heart with evil thoughts, today, materialistic influences enter our lives in various ways. In India, the land of Dharma meant to establish spiritual principles, Maya has found new means to spread materialism. The advent of cable television, which enters the inner chambers of our homes, appears innocent and entertaining but often propagates the materialistic and atheistic ideals of the West. This influence is eroding the spiritual fabric of the land more effectively than any external force ever could.

The discourse suggests that rather than succumbing to such influences, we should engage in Satsangs, gatherings to hear and chant the glories of the Lord with our families. Associating with materialistic people and things, even if we are originally pure souls, can destroy our consciousness.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. The Power of Association:
    • The story of Kaikeyi and Mantara teaches us the profound impact that association can have on our hearts and minds. Associating with materialistic and envious people can lead to spiritual downfall, while associating with saintly people can elevate us.
  2. The Subtle Influence of Maya:
    • Maya, or the illusory energy, can enter our lives subtly through those we trust, leading us away from our spiritual path. Even the purest of souls can be led astray if they do not remain vigilant and surround themselves with positive influences.
  3. The Importance of Spiritual Vigilance:
    • The story underscores the need for constant vigilance in our spiritual lives. We must be cautious of the influences that enter our hearts, whether through people, media, or other means, and strive to keep our consciousness focused on the Lord.
  4. The Role of Satsang in Spiritual Growth:
    • Engaging in Satsangs, or spiritual gatherings, is essential for maintaining and strengthening our spiritual consciousness. These gatherings provide the positive association necessary to counteract the negative influences of the material world.

Prayer for Protection from Negative Influences

O Supreme Lord, protector of our hearts, Guide us to associate with those who uplift our souls, And protect us from the influence of those who lead us astray.

May we remain vigilant in our spiritual journey, Avoiding the traps of Maya that seek to corrupt our consciousness.

O Lord, help us to seek the company of saintly people, And to engage in Satsangs that nourish our devotion to You.

May our hearts remain pure and devoted, Forever honoring and serving You as our Supreme Lord.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Om Tat Sat.