You are currently viewing The Clay Ball Ritual: A Lesson in Understanding Fallacy of Custom

Each morning, the brahmanas gathered on the bank of the holy Ganges and offered their prescribed prayers to the Lord. Each brought a copper vessel for offering water. Unfortunately, because these copper vessels were indistinguishable from one another, they often got mixed up.

To solve this, one old brahmana began placing a lump of clay from the riverbank in his own vessel before taking his bath. That way, when he returned, he’d be able to distinguish his offering cup from the rest.

Seeing this, the other brahmanas thought that placing a clay ball in one’s cup before taking a bath must be an esoteric ritual. Not wanting to appear ignorant of the fine points of brahminical observances, they all started placing clay balls in their cups before going for their baths. Thus, when the old brahmana came from the river, he again found it hard to locate his own copper vessel.

“Fie on these imitators!” he groaned as he examined the different vessels, trying to pick out his own. “Without understanding the reason for anything, they just follow blindly. Despite their big learning and priestly positions in society, they have no common sense.”

Moral of the Story:

This story reflects a common issue in today’s world where the practice of religion often involves blindly following customs without understanding their significance. Many people adopt rituals and traditions without questioning their origins or purposes, leading to superficial observance rather than meaningful practice. For instance, in India, it has become a custom to address the poor as Daridra-Narayana (poor Narayana), although this term is unheard of in the scriptural tradition and is indeed an absurdity. Yet, it is blindly accepted by many as a religious duty to worship a poor man in the street as being God.


The essence of religious and spiritual practices lies in understanding their significance and applying them with awareness. By doing so, we can avoid blind imitation and instead engage in practices that truly enrich our spiritual lives.

PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share this moral/instructive story they hear so that everyone can benefit from understanding the importance of conscious and meaningful religious practice.

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