You are currently viewing Nandishvara Parvata: Lord Shiva’s Devotion and Transformation

The Village of Nandagrama
Nandagrama means the village or ‘grama’ established by Nanda Maharaj. It is the place where Nanda Baba’s palace was built on a hill known as Nandishvara Parvata. This hill is an expansion of Lord Shiva. Nandishvara is another name for Lord Shiva, meaning the Lord of Nandi, his famous bull carrier.

Lord Shiva’s Desire
The story of Nandishvara Parvata is mentioned in the Puranas. Lord Shiva, after performing intense penance for a long time, prayed to Krishna to be granted the opportunity to witness His transcendental pastimes in Vrindavana. Shiva desired to take the form of a hill so that Krishna and the gopis would walk on him, allowing him to receive the dust of their lotus feet.

Krishna’s Blessing
Krishna, upon hearing Lord Shiva’s sincere request, agreed to fulfill his wish. He instructed Lord Shiva to manifest as a hill near Nandagrama, where Krishna would perform His kaishora-lila pastimes during the Dwapara-yuga. Following Krishna’s instruction, Lord Shiva manifested as the hill now known as Nandishvara Parvata.

Lesson to be Learned:

The story of Nandishvara Parvata teaches us the power of devotion and humility. Even the great Lord Shiva, who is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, sought the humble position of a hill to serve Krishna and His devotees. This story highlights the importance of selfless service, the desire to receive the dust of the devotees’ feet, and the ultimate reward of being blessed by the Lord Himself.


Dear Lord Krishna, may we always be blessed with the humility and devotion of Lord Shiva. Help us to seek your service above all else and to find joy in the dust of your devotees’ feet. Grant us the strength to perform our duties selflessly and to remain steadfast in our devotion to You. May our hearts always be filled with the desire to witness and participate in Your divine pastimes.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.