You are currently viewing Narada Muni and the Illusion of Pride

A Lesson in Humility: Narada Muni, a pure devotee never touched by Maya, played the role of a nitya-baddha (eternally conditioned soul) for our instruction. Once, while meditating, beautiful apsaras from the heavenly planets tried to seduce him. However, Narada was so absorbed in spiritual consciousness that he was unaffected. Despite their efforts, he did not curse them but merely asked them to leave with a smile.

The Seed of Pride: After they left, Narada Muni began to feel proud of his ability to overcome lust. Overwhelmed with false ego, he approached his father, declaring that he had conquered lust. His father congratulated him but warned him to keep this to himself and not tell his guru, Sankara, or Lord Visnu. Ignoring this advice, Narada told Sankara, who also praised him but advised against telling Visnu. Blinded by pride, Narada went to Lord Visnu and declared, “O omniscient Lord, by Your mercy, I have overcome lust!”

Visnu’s Test: Visnu, seeing the pride in Narada’s heart, knew it needed to be checked. To save Narada, He created an illusory world with a king and his beautiful daughter. The king announced that the princess would choose her husband. Upon seeing her, Narada fell in love and knew she would never choose him. He went to Lord Visnu and requested to be made as beautiful as the Lord.

The Illusion Unfolds: The Lord, smiling affectionately, assured Narada that He would help. Narada, feeling confident, returned to the princess but found her repulsed by him. His godbrothers mocked him, but blinded by lust, Narada did not realize it. Suddenly, Lord Visnu arrived, and the princess immediately chose Him, placing her garland on Him. As Visnu took her away, Narada saw his reflection in the water and recoiled in horror at the face of a monkey staring back.

The Curse and Realization: In a fit of rage, Narada cursed Lord Visnu to suffer separation from the princess on earth. Visnu lifted the veil of Yogamaya, revealing that the princess was Laksmi devi. Realizing his mistake, Narada repented, but Visnu was overjoyed to have His devotee back. He explained that as Sita and Rama, He and Laksmi would descend to earth, and their tribulations would help people attain Vaikuntha.

Lessons and Prayers


  1. Guard Against Pride: Even great devotees can fall prey to pride. We must always remain humble and vigilant.
  2. Krishna’s Mercy: The Lord’s actions, even when they seem harsh, are meant to save us from greater dangers.
  3. Material Illusions: The material world is full of illusions that can easily derail us. Constant vigilance and humility are necessary.


  • “O Lord Krishna, please protect me from the illusions of pride and material desires. Keep me always humble and devoted to Your lotus feet.”
  • “Dear Lord, help me to see Your mercy in all situations, even when I do not understand Your actions. Grant me the wisdom to trust in Your divine plan.”
  • “O Supreme Lord, may I always remember that true success lies in surrendering to You and not in my achievements. Let my heart remain fixed on Your service.”

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share this moral/instructive story so that everyone can benefit by hearing about Krishna and His dear devotees.

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