You are currently viewing Narada Muni and the Hunchback Woman: What is enviousness”?

Once Narada Muni, while traveling on planet earth, came across an old hunchback woman.

He felt very kind towards this woman and wanted to fix her back as a boon to her.

So he said to the lady, “O Mother, I am very much pleased with you, come here and I will fix your back.”

The old lady replied, “O Great Sage, if you are really pleased with me and want to give me some boon, please give me a different boon.”

Surprised, Narada Muni asked, “What boon would you like to have?”

The old lady replied, “The lady who lives next door to me, please make her also a hunchback.”

Lessons to Be Learned:

  • Kindness and Compassion: Narada Muni’s initial instinct to help the old woman shows the importance of being kind and compassionate towards others.
  • Envy and Jealousy: The old woman’s request to make her neighbor a hunchback reveals the destructive nature of envy and jealousy.
  • Selflessness: True blessings should aim to alleviate suffering and spread happiness, rather than perpetuate negativity or harm to others.
  • Perspective on Boons: When given the opportunity to receive a blessing, it is important to choose wisely and consider the broader implications of one’s desires.


Dear Lord, grant us the wisdom to seek blessings that bring true happiness and well-being to ourselves and others. Help us to overcome envy and jealousy, and to always act with kindness, compassion, and selflessness. May our hearts be filled with love and our actions reflect the highest virtues.

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