You are currently viewing Nathia Bai: A Life of Devotion and Service

Introduction to Nathia Bai’s Life Nathia Bai is remembered for her lifelong service to the saints of Vrindavan and her unwavering devotion to Lord Krishna. Her life was marked by hardships, yet she accepted everything as Krishna’s will without complaint. Born as the only daughter of her parents, Nathia’s life took a tragic turn when she lost both her parents and her husband at a young age. Despite these challenges, her devotion to Krishna’s prem bhakti kept her spirit alive.

Early Struggles and Devotion After losing her husband, Nathia Bai moved in with her brother, who supported her passion for cooking for saints and the needy. However, her brother’s untimely death left her dependent on a cousin who was unwilling to support her charitable activities. Saddened but not defeated, Nathia Bai prayed to Bihari Ji (Krishna) for guidance. Trusting in Krishna’s care, she left her cousin’s house and began preparing humble meals for saints and the needy on the outskirts of the village with whatever means she had.

Divine Encounter at Vrindavan One day, Nathia Bai joined a group traveling to Vrindavan, where she had her first darshan of Banke Bihari Ji. The experience was so overwhelming that she felt Krishna’s love and compassion filling her heart, and from that moment, she never felt alone. With Bihari Ji’s blessings, she received diksha (initiation) from a spiritual master, a Goswami of the Sri Radha Vallabha temple, and soon found an opportunity to reside in Vrindavan.

Service to Banke Bihari Ji As Nathia Bai’s dedication became known, she met Hargulal Ji, a wealthy merchant who was offering 56 bhog to Banke Bihari Ji. He asked Nathia Bai to grind flour for the temple’s prasad bhog, a task she accepted with great joy. Despite Hargulal Ji’s offers to pay her, Nathia Bai refused any payment, considering it an honor to serve Krishna. She continued to serve the saints with utmost devotion, always feeling that Banke Bihari Ji was guiding her actions.

The Sacred Rakhi and Miracles Nathia Bai’s bond with Banke Bihari Ji deepened during the month of Sawan when she tied a rakhi to him, accepting him as her brother. She had waited the whole day for the Goswami to tie the rakhi on her behalf, and in a divine vision, she saw Bihari Ji offering his wrist for her to tie the rakhi, smiling and acknowledging her devotion. This marked the auspicious moment when Nathia Bai became Bihari Ji’s sister.

Miraculous Support from Banke Bihari Ji The next day, a wealthy seth (merchant) approached Nathia Bai, asking her to grind a ser of wheat for him. The seth, wearing a yellow turban, lightly touched the grinding stone, making it unexpectedly easy for Nathia Bai to complete the task. She realized that this miracle was none other than the work of Banke Bihari Ji. From that moment, Nathia Bai used the money she earned from grinding wheat to buy more wheat and continue feeding the saints, always feeling Krishna’s presence in her life.

Legacy of Nathia Bai Nathia Bai’s grinding stone is preserved in the Hith Das Ji’s sampradaya, where even today, ten kilograms of wheat are ground, and food is served to saints in her memory. Bhaktimati Nathia Bai will always be remembered for her dedicated service and humble devotion to Krishna. Bolo Bhakti Mati Nathia Bai Ki Jai!

Lessons to Be Learned:

  1. Unwavering Faith: Nathia Bai’s life teaches us the importance of unwavering faith in Krishna, especially during difficult times. Despite her hardships, she trusted that Krishna would guide her and provide for her needs.
  2. Devotion Through Service: Her story exemplifies that true devotion is expressed through selfless service to others. Nathia Bai found joy in serving the saints and the needy, viewing it as her service to Krishna.
  3. Acceptance of Divine Will: Nathia Bai accepted the challenges and sorrows in her life as Krishna’s will, showing us the importance of surrender and acceptance in the path of devotion.
  4. Miracles of Devotion: Nathia Bai’s life is a testament to the miracles that can happen when one is fully devoted to the Lord. Krishna personally intervened in her life, supporting her in miraculous ways.
  5. Spiritual Relationships: The sacred bond she formed with Banke Bihari Ji, treating him as her brother, reminds us that spiritual relationships with the divine are powerful and fulfilling.


“O Lord Krishna, Bhuta-Bhaavan, may we develop the unwavering faith and devotion that Nathia Bai had for you. Help us to serve others selflessly, seeing them as your divine manifestations. Grant us the strength to accept your will in all circumstances, and may we always feel your presence guiding us through life’s challenges.”