You are currently viewing Nimai Spoils Murari’s Lunch

Adapted from Srila Lochan Das Thakur’s Śrī Caitanya-maṅgala Ādi-khaṇḍa, Bālya-līlā, texts 373-403

Murari Gupta’s Encounter with Nimai

One day, the learned scholar and physician Murari Gupta visited Nabadwip, accompanied by his followers. As they walked down the road, they engaged in a discussion about yoga-sāstras. Unbeknownst to them, young Nimai, a mischievous boy, was walking directly behind Murari Gupta. Nimai, noticing Murari’s serious demeanor, began mimicking the way Murari spoke. Murari noticed this from the corner of his eye but continued conversing with his followers, pretending not to be bothered.

Nimai’s Playful Imitation

Nimai and his friends, sensing an opportunity for more fun, escalated their mocking. They started imitating Murari’s walking style and hand gestures. This playful mimicry finally got to Murari, who became furious and rebuked Nimai, “Who says this boy is well-behaved? I recognize him. He is the son of Jagannath Mishra. Everywhere I have heard his glories. His name is Nimai.”

Nimai’s Cryptic Warning

Hearing Murari’s rebuke, and out of kindness towards his devotee, Lord Gaurahari (Nimai) became angry. With knitted eyebrows, the eloquent young boy responded, “When you take your meal, I will teach you something.” Murari was bewildered by this cryptic statement but soon brushed it off as he returned to his residence, absorbed in his daily activities. The incident slipped from his mind.

Nimai’s Mischievous Act

At noon, Murari sat down to enjoy his meal peacefully. Meanwhile, Nimai (Viswambhar Hari) prepared for his next playful act. He dressed himself in opulent garments, wrapped a sash around his waist, tied his hair in a triple topknot, and adorned himself with a string of tulasī beads and a strand of large pearls around his neck. He anointed his eyes with black kajjala and decorated his body with glistening golden ornaments. Carrying lādus made of condensed milk in his hand, Nimai confidently walked into Murari’s house and, with a thunderous voice, called out, “Murari!”

Murari’s Shock and Nimai’s Lesson

Murari, startled by the loud call, suddenly remembered Nimai’s earlier words. Surprised, Murari asked, “What are you doing here?” Nimai responded casually, “Oh, don’t get up. It’s only I. Carry on with your meal.”

As Murari resumed eating, Nimai slowly moved closer. Then, in an unexpected act, he began passing urine on Murari’s plate. Shocked and appalled, Murari cried out, “Ah! Ah! What are you doing? Shame, shame on you!” He jumped up from his seat, while Nimai began clapping his hands and dancing joyfully.

Gaurahari then addressed Murari with profound wisdom hidden within his mischievous act: “Giving up the path of bhakti, you have adopted the path of yoga and move about making funny gestures. Give up karma and jnana, and just worship Krishna with all your heart! Become a rasika-bhakta, expert in tasting transcendental bliss. One who is attached to material things can’t do kṛṣṇa-bhajana, and his consciousness remains low and impure.”

Nimai continued, “Lord Hari is supremely merciful. Not only does he possess all powers, but he is the father of all souls, and from him the eternal Brahman is manifested. He is the treasure and very life of the gopīs of Vrindavan. Why do you not dedicate your life to worshiping him?” After delivering these words, the golden jewel, Gaurahari, suddenly vanished from sight. Murari Gupta, unable to find him, was left in deep contemplation.

Murari Gupta’s Realization

Murari’s heart was overwhelmed with realization. He thought to himself, “Sachi’s son is the Supreme Lord himself!” His heart full of joy and wonder, Murari hurriedly left his house. He was so overcome with emotion that he could hardly walk properly. Somehow, he arrived at the house of Jagannath Mishra, Nimai’s father.

When he entered, he saw Jagannath Mishra and Sachidevi lovingly caressing their son, Nimai. They were speaking affectionately to him, saying, “You are the nectarean treasure of our lives. Whatever sufferings we experience, we forget all of them as soon as we gaze at the moon of your face.”

Murari Gupta’s Devotion

Murari Gupta, filled with bliss, stood silently. Although Jagannath and Sachidevi warmly welcomed him, Murari didn’t say a word. He simply gazed at the beautiful face of Gaurachandra. His body was overcome with divine emotions—his hair stood on end, streams of tears flowed from his eyes, and his voice faltered. His eyes reddened like the rising sun, and he repeatedly bowed down before Gauranga’s feet.

Nimai, acting as if he didn’t understand Murari’s reverence, climbed up onto his mother’s lap. Sachimata, concerned and respectful towards Murari, asked, “Murari, please bless our son. Did he do something to offend you? Everyone knows that you are one of the best doctors. Please tell me what offense our son has committed. Let any suffering come to us, but give us the blessing that our son may live forever.”

Murari Gupta’s Blessing

Speaking these words, Sachidevi and Jagannath Mishra humbly held Murari’s hand and bowed before him. Smiling, Murari Gupta responded, “Your son Viswambhar is the master of the master of all the demigods. In the future, the boy you are raising will reveal his true identity to you. You are the most fortunate parents in the world. Take care of him and protect him. Remember my words: your Viswambhar is actually the Supreme Lord.” After saying this, Murari quickly left the house of Jagannath Mishra.

Murari Gupta Meets Adwaita Acharya

Filled with bliss and a heart bursting with joy, Murari went to visit Adwaita Acharya, the universal teacher and reservoir of bhakti. Falling at Adwaita Acharya’s feet, Murari said, “You are the greatest devotee. You are a wish-fulfilling tree that can fulfill all desires. I just saw the most wonderful boy in the home of Jagannath Mishra. His name is Nimai Pandit Viswambhar. He is totally transcendental to this material world, yet he plays happily with his friends just like an ordinary boy.”

Upon hearing this, Adwaita Acharya, the jewel among the brahmins, made a great roaring sound. His entire body reacted with divine ecstasy, his hairs standing on end. Adwaita Acharya said, “Murari, listen! This is a great secret. Nimai Pandit is the Supreme Lord, the reservoir of all rasas and the embodiment of transcendental beauty.” The two, Adwaita Acharya and Murari Gupta, then joyfully embraced, their hearts united in the divine secret of Nimai’s true identity, and in that moment, they forgot everything else in their blissful communion.

Lessons to Be Learned from the Story “Nimai Spoils Murari’s Lunch”

The Divine Nature of Playfulness: Nimai’s actions, though seemingly mischievous, reveal a deeper spiritual purpose. His playful behavior is a reminder that the divine can manifest in unexpected ways, using humor and playfulness to impart profound spiritual lessons.

The Path of Pure Devotion: Through his interaction with Murari Gupta, Nimai (Lord Gaurahari) emphasizes the importance of pure devotion (bhakti) over other spiritual practices like karma (ritualistic activities) and jnana (knowledge). He teaches that true spiritual progress comes from heartfelt devotion to Krishna, free from material attachments.

Recognizing the Divine in the Mundane: Murari Gupta’s realization that Nimai is the Supreme Lord underscores the lesson that divinity often resides in the ordinary. It encourages us to look beyond appearances and recognize the divine presence in everyday life.

The Importance of Humility: Despite his knowledge and position, Murari Gupta humbles himself before Nimai, acknowledging His divine nature. This act of humility is a powerful reminder of the importance of surrender and reverence in the spiritual path.

The Role of Divine Grace: The story highlights the role of divine grace in spiritual awakening. Nimai’s actions awaken Murari Gupta’s understanding of His true identity, illustrating that spiritual realization often comes through the grace of the divine.

Prayer for Devotion and Divine Guidance

O Supreme Lord Gaurahari, who appeared as Nimai, We bow before You in humility and devotion.

As You guided Murari Gupta to the path of pure bhakti, Guide us too in our spiritual journey, Teach us to see beyond the mundane and recognize Your divine presence in all things.

O merciful Lord, free us from the bonds of karma and jnana, And lead us to the path of pure devotion, Where our hearts are filled with love for Krishna.

Grant us the grace to approach You with humility, As Murari Gupta did, and to surrender ourselves fully to Your divine will.

O Lord, let Your playful and loving nature inspire us, To find joy and wisdom in all of life’s experiences, And to embrace the divine lessons You impart through them.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.