You are currently viewing Nityananda Prabhu’s Punishment of Shivananda
While Nityananda Prabhu and the devotees were traveling to Jagannatha Puri, Sivananda Sena managed the payment of tolls at different places. Lord Nityananda and the devotees were allowed to pass while Sivananda Sena remained back to pay. They entered a village, but no one but Sivananda Sena could arrange for them a place to stay. Nityananda Prabhu became hungry and upset that Sivananda was not there. When Sivananda Sena arrived, Nityananda Prabhu kicked him. Sivananda Sena was very pleased that he had been kicked by Lord Nityananda and he led Him to His residence. He said to the Lord, " My dear Lord, Your chastising me is Your causeless mercy. Who within the three worlds can understand Your real character? The dust of Your lotus feet is not attainable even by Lord Brahma, yet Your lotus feet have touched my wretched body." Then Nityananda Prabhu embraced Sivananda Sena with great love. -Excerpt from Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila 12.28-29

Nityananda’s Mercy Upon Shivananda
Shivananda Sena received immense mercy from Nityananda Prabhu. One day, Nityananda kicked Shivananda, allowing him to receive the touch of his lotus feet, a rare attainment even for Brahma and the demigods.

The Journey to Puri
After the disappearance of Hari Das Thakur, the devotees gathered in Nabadwip in preparation for their journey to Puri. Nityananda Prabhu joined the group despite Mahaprabhu’s instructions not to. Shivananda Sena was responsible for managing the group.

The Tollgate Incident
Shivananda was delayed at the tollgate, causing the group to wait late into the night without accommodations. Nityananda Prabhu expressed his hunger and, pretending to be angry, cursed Shivananda’s sons.

Shivananda’s Humility and Joy
Shivananda’s wife was distressed by Nityananda’s curse, but Shivananda calmed her. He then went to Nityananda, who kicked him in the head. Shivananda was overjoyed, considering this a sign of Nityananda’s mercy.

Nityananda’s Embrace and Srikanta’s Distress
Nityananda was pleased by Shivananda’s prayers and embraced him. However, Shivananda’s nephew, Srikanta, was upset by Nityananda’s behavior and went ahead to Puri on his own.

Mahaprabhu’s Understanding
Srikanta arrived in Puri and paid his respects to Mahaprabhu, who knew of Srikanta’s distress and instructed his associates to let him act as he wished. Srikanta realized Mahaprabhu’s omniscience and said nothing about the incident.

Lessons to be Learned:

Humility and Devotion: Shivananda Sena’s reaction to being kicked by Nityananda Prabhu shows the highest level of humility and devotion. He considered even a punishment from the Lord to be a sign of mercy.

The Lord’s Mercy: The story highlights that the mercy of the Lord can come in unexpected forms, and true devotees recognize and appreciate this mercy in all circumstances.

Understanding Divine Intent: Srikanta’s initial misunderstanding of Nityananda’s actions teaches that one should be cautious before judging the actions of great personalities, as their intentions may be beyond ordinary comprehension.

The Lord’s Affection for His Devotees: Mahaprabhu’s affection extends not only to His direct devotees but also to their friends and family members, showing the inclusive nature of divine love.


O merciful Lord Nityananda, who bestows Your divine grace upon Your devotees, please bless us with the humility and devotion to accept Your mercy in whatever form it may come. Grant us the strength to understand and cherish even Your seemingly harsh actions as signs of Your boundless love. May we, like Shivananda Sena, rejoice in the touch of Your divine feet, and may our lives be perfected in Your service. Guide us always to remain steadfast in our devotion, and let our hearts be filled with the understanding that everything You do is for our ultimate spiritual benefit. Jai Nitai!