You are currently viewing Padma’s Scheme and Shyamasaki’s Clever Rescue

Padma’s Scheme

One day, while Radha and Krishna were enjoying the pleasing atmosphere of the Vrindavan forest in the company of their friends, Chandravali’s close friend, Padma, happened to come by. Padma, who was always looking for ways to create trouble for Radharani, quickly rushed back to Yavat to inform Jatila, Radharani’s mother-in-law, about what she had seen. Padma eagerly reported that Radha and Krishna were together in the forest, hoping to stir up trouble.

Jatila’s Suspicion

Upon hearing this news, Jatila immediately left Yavat and hurried to the forest to catch Radha and Krishna together. She arrived so quickly that the divine couple was caught off guard, and they froze in fear. It seemed they were caught red-handed, and both Radha and Krishna stood speechless as Jatila, horror-struck, observed them from a distance.

Shyamasaki’s Clever Rescue

At that moment, Shyamasaki, a close friend of Srimati Radharani, happened to pass by. Seeing Jatila’s anger and the situation, Shyamasaki quickly assessed the scene and decided to come to Radharani’s rescue by fabricating a story.

Jatila, being half-blind, decided to use Shyamasaki as a witness to confirm what she believed she was seeing. She asked, “Shyama, I have faith in you. Tell me exactly what you see. It’s very clear, isn’t it? Radha and Krishna are here together, isn’t it?”

Shyamasaki, understanding Jatila’s poor eyesight, cleverly responded, “Mother Jatila, I see that Krishna is up to his tricks as usual. He has dressed the cowherd boy Subal as a girl, and the two jokers are pretending to be yakshas and yakshis who regularly come here to bathe and enjoy the forest.”

Jatila’s Confusion

Jatila, trusting Shyamasaki and knowing her own eyesight was not reliable, accepted the story. “Oh, yes, yes, that’s what I thought—Subal and Krishna. Yes, Subal and Krishna,” she muttered, satisfied that it was not Radha and Krishna but rather Subal and Krishna.


Thanks to Shyamasaki’s quick thinking and clever story, Radharani and Krishna were saved from Jatila’s wrath. The old, angry Jatila, convinced by Shyamasaki’s tale, hobbled back home, leaving the divine couple in peace.

This story highlights the resourcefulness and deep friendship that exists among Radharani’s companions, always ready to protect and serve her in any situation.