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Madhu Chanda is a pilgrim who has spent a significant part of his life living in Vrindavan and visiting holy places all over India. This journey has blessed him with profound experiences, divine blessings, enhanced spiritual knowledge, and opportunities to meet holy people in these sacred places. He shares the inspiration from these holy places through his videos and writings.

His travels have taken him to all corners of the Indian subcontinent, from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari, and from Jagannath Puri to Dwarka. No corner of India has remained undiscovered by him.

Going on retreats is not a recent trend. Since ancient times, people have gone on pilgrimages whenever they needed new strength and spiritual inspiration. Even today, in many different religious traditions around the world, people often go on pilgrimages.

When you’re on a pilgrimage, it’s not so important to see interesting places and monuments. What is important is to search for spiritual guidance. At such spiritual places, you can receive guidance from wise people who live there. Many holy people take shelter at these locations, dedicating their lives to the spiritual development of others. You can approach these individuals for helpful advice to uplift your consciousness spiritually.

Pilgrimages are undertaken when one seeks a change in life and a new perspective away from everyday routines. Pilgrimages are also pursued when one has lost direction in life and looks for answers. For some, pilgrimages are done when they feel they are nearing the final stage of life. During such times, people contemplate their future and life after death. For these individuals, pilgrimages are a time of preparation for the afterlife.

No matter who you are, the purpose of going on pilgrimages is to undergo a transformation—a spiritual transformation. The goal is to find a new self, or better said, the real spiritual and free self.

Try to embark on holy pilgrimages not just with your body but with your soul. Travel with the intention to enter a spiritual consciousness and strive to bring that consciousness into your everyday life, ensuring that you never remain the same again.

Here you can see some of the videos I have recorded at different places in India and the stories behind these holy places.”