You are currently viewing Sanatan Goswami disturbed by mosquitoes

Sanatan Goswami’s Love for the Vrajavasis

Sanatan Goswami, one of the principal disciples of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, was revered as the guru of all the Vrajavasis (residents of Vrindavan). His deep love, respect, and affection for the people of Vraja made him a beloved figure. He was genuinely concerned with every aspect of their lives and well-being. Whenever he visited a village, he would inquire about the welfare of the villagers, asking how their crops were growing, whether their daughters were married, and how their health was. Sanatan Goswami was always absorbed in speaking about and glorifying Krishna, which endeared him even more to the Vrajavasis. He traveled through the twelve forests of Vrindavan, and his intimate, loving interactions made every Vrajavasi feel a deep connection with him.

Sanatan Goswami’s Bhajan at Manasi Ganga

Sanatan Goswami spent much of his time at Manasi Ganga, a sacred lake in Vrindavan, where he performed his bhajan (devotional practices). However, he was often disturbed by the presence of many mosquitoes, which interfered with his ability to concentrate on his worship. Sanatan Goswami contemplated moving to another place, thinking that if his bhajan was disturbed, his service to Radha and Krishna would also be disturbed. For Sanatan Goswami, the purpose of his devotional practices was to bring pleasure to Radha and Krishna, so maintaining an environment conducive to bhajan was essential.

Lord Shiva’s Intervention

However, Lord Shiva, who is also known as Chakaleswar Mahadev in this region, did not want to lose the association of such an exalted and divine devotee as Sanatan Goswami. Lord Shiva disguised himself as a Brahman and approached Sanatan Goswami, asking him where he was planning to go. Sanatan Goswami explained that he was leaving because the mosquitoes were disturbing his bhajan.

The Brahman (Lord Shiva in disguise) then requested Sanatan Goswami to stay for just one more night, assuring him that there would be no more mosquitoes. Lord Shiva, in his divine capacity, ordered the demigod in charge of insect life to ensure that no mosquitoes would disturb Sanatan Goswami at Manasi Ganga. That night, Sanatan Goswami did not hear even the slightest sound of a mosquito. Relieved and comfortable, he was able to perform his bhajan peacefully.

Realizing that the disturbance had been resolved, Sanatan Goswami decided not to leave Manasi Ganga. He stayed there for the rest of his life, continuing his devotional practices and serving Radha and Krishna with deep devotion.

Lessons to Be Learned from Sanatan Goswami’s Story

  1. Compassionate Leadership:
    • Sanatan Goswami’s deep concern for the welfare of the Vrajavasis demonstrates the qualities of a true leader and guru. His love, respect, and involvement in their lives made him not just a spiritual guide but a beloved figure in the community. This teaches us the importance of genuine care and compassion in leadership.
  2. Devotional Determination:
    • Despite the disturbances he faced, Sanatan Goswami remained focused on his service to Radha and Krishna. His initial decision to leave Manasi Ganga shows his commitment to maintaining the sanctity of his bhajan. However, his willingness to stay after the disturbances were resolved reflects the importance of adaptability in our spiritual practices.
  3. Divine Protection:
    • The intervention of Lord Shiva in ensuring that Sanatan Goswami could perform his bhajan peacefully highlights the protective and supportive role that divine forces play in the lives of sincere devotees. This story reminds us that when we are dedicated to our spiritual practices, the Lord and His associates will assist us in overcoming obstacles.
  4. The Power of Bhajan:
    • Sanatan Goswami’s dedication to his bhajan underscores the significance of devotional practices in connecting with the Divine. It also shows that sincere devotion can attract the attention and support of divine beings, who will help facilitate our spiritual journey.

Prayer for Devotion and Divine Guidance

O Supreme Lord, source of all compassion and grace, We bow before You, seeking the strength to serve You with pure devotion.

May we, like Sanatan Goswami, care deeply for the well-being of others, And remain focused on our spiritual practices,Despite the challenges and disturbances we may face.

O Lord Shiva, protector of devotees, We thank You for Your guidance and intervention, And we pray for Your continued blessings on our spiritual journey.

May our hearts remain dedicated to serving Radha and Krishna, And may our devotion attract Your divine protection and support.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Om Tat Sat.