You are currently viewing Narada and Jagga Dasa: A Lesson in True Devotion

Narada, the celestial sage and devoted bhakta of Lord Vishnu, often wandered the earth chanting “Narayana Narayana”. Over time, he started believing that he was the most devoted worshipper of Narayana, while others were preoccupied with mundane matters.

A Task from Lord Vishnu

One day, as Narada came to offer his prayers, Lord Vishnu asked if Narada could help with a delivery. Overwhelmed with pride, Narada readily agreed. Lord Vishnu gave Narada an earthen lamp filled with precious oil and asked him to circle the earth once, ensuring he did not spill a single drop of oil.

The Journey with the Lamp

Narada set out the next morning, circling the earth with great care and diligence. By evening, he returned, proud of his accomplishment as he had not spilled a single drop of oil. Narayana then asked Narada to visit a poor farmer named Jagga Dasa the next day and report back on his activities.

Observing Jagga Dasa

Narada went to observe Jagga Dasa. He noticed that Jagga Dasa woke up, finished his morning duties, fed his animals, ate breakfast, and worked in the fields all day. In the evening, Jagga Dasa returned home, fed his animals, ate supper, and retired for the night. Before sleeping, he simply said, “Oh Lord, please accept my Namaskar,” and fell asleep immediately.

Narada’s Report

Narada returned to Vaikuntha and described Jagga Dasa’s day to Lord Vishnu. He was upset, feeling that Jagga Dasa lacked true devotion as he only mentioned the Lord’s name once before sleeping. Narada was convinced that Jagga Dasa’s path led straight to hell due to his perceived lack of respect for the Lord.

The Lesson from Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu listened to Narada and then gently asked how many times Narada had chanted the Lord’s name while circling the earth with the lamp. Narada, justifying his actions, said he could not chant because he was focused on not spilling the precious oil.

With a smile, Lord Vishnu explained, “Oh sage Narada, you were entrusted with one lamp and focused solely on it, yet you did not have time to take My name even once. Meanwhile, Jagga Dasa carries the burden of several lamps, tending to his family, animals, and community every day. Despite his responsibilities, he finds time to take My name once daily. True devotion lies not in constant chanting, but in remembering Me amidst one’s duties and responsibilities.”

With love, Lord Vishnu recited: “Na aham thisthAmi vaikunthe, yoginAm hridaye na cha Mudd bhakta yatra gAyanti, tatra thisthAmi NArada.”

(“Oh Narada, you will not find Me in Vaikuntha, nor will you find Me by following wandering yogis. Wherever My devotee calls for Me, I make Myself available to him.”)

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. True Devotion: True devotion is about remembering and honoring the Lord amidst daily duties, not just through constant chanting.
  2. Humility: Even the most devout can learn humility and recognize that others, seemingly less devout, might be equally or more devoted in their own ways.
  3. Lord’s Omnipresence: The Lord is present wherever His devotees call upon Him with genuine love and devotion, not just in temples or places of worship.

Relevant Quotes

From Srimad Bhagavatam

  • “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, neither through ashtanga-yoga (the mystic yoga system to control the senses), nor through impersonal monism or an analytical study of the Absolute Truth, nor through study of the Vedas, nor through austerities, charity or acceptance of sannyasa can one satisfy Me as much as by developing unalloyed devotional service unto Me.” (SB 11.14.20)

From Caitanya Caritamrita

  • “Pure love for Kṛṣṇa is eternally established in the hearts of living entities. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the heart is purified by hearing and chanting, this love naturally awakens.” (Madhya 22.107)

From the Writings of Srila Prabhupada

  • “If one simply follows the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as they are given in Bhagavad-gītā, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, or directly by the Lord Himself, one will be successful in one’s life.” (Srila Prabhupada’s purport, Bhagavad-gītā 9.22)


Prayer for True Devotion

“O Lord Vishnu, Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my heartfelt devotion to You. Please grant me the wisdom to remember You in all my duties and responsibilities. Help me to see Your presence in every aspect of my life and to serve You with love and sincerity. May my heart be Your temple and my actions be offerings of devotion. O Lord, bless me with humility and guide me to live a life that honors You in every moment. Jai Jagannath! Jai Narayana!”

This story highlights the profound understanding that true devotion is reflected in our daily lives and duties, emphasizing that the Lord values sincere remembrance and love over mere ritualistic practices.

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