You are currently viewing Srila Prabhupada care for Yamuna devi

In the book Yamuna Devi: A Life of Unalloyed Devotion, the late Yamuna Devi recalls the time in 1971 after the first famous Delhi pandal program when she fell sick with jaundice while staying in a crowded room with many devotees. The one place free where she could stay on her own was the floor of a walk-in closet. 

“Srila Prabhupada noticed I was missing,” she says, “And I was later told that he had inquired many times where I was. One day I became aware of the door being opened, and I turned to see Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet walking into that closet room. . . .  He placed his hand on my head and inquired, ‘Yamuna? How are you doing?’ Firstly I said, ‘I am always thinking of you, Srila Prabhupada.’ Then I explained my symptoms, and he said, ‘I think this is jaundice . . .  Now I will take charge of your recovery. You will never get well in these conditions on the floor.’

“Srila Prabhupada had a hospital bed brought in for me and moved me into a room right next to his, with floor-to-ceiling windows, neem trees outside, and a fan. And I remember being propped up in this bed, and he came in every day to check on my progress.”