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Babaji Maharaja’s Late Night Revelation

One night, as Babaji Maharaja was deeply immersed in chanting japa, something extraordinary happened. Suddenly, he jumped up and exclaimed with great intensity, “Did you see that? Did you see?” His outburst was not about something happening nearby but rather about a distant event. He revealed that a professional speaker on the Bhagavatam had traveled to the Pabna district and had just led a chaste widow to break her sacred vows.

Babaji Maharaja’s Disgust

Babaji Maharaja was visibly disturbed and expressed his profound dismay, lamenting how such rascals were tarnishing the sacred name of Mahaprabhu’s religion. He spoke with such conviction and immediacy, as if he were personally witnessing the sinful act taking place, even though it was far away. His deep spiritual insight allowed him to perceive the misconduct happening, demonstrating his profound connection to the spiritual world and his commitment to upholding the sanctity of dharma.

Lesson to be Learned

This story teaches us that true spiritual leaders are deeply sensitive to the integrity of dharma. They are pained by any actions that bring disgrace to the sacred teachings of great souls like Mahaprabhu. It also highlights the importance of vigilance in spiritual practice, ensuring that one’s actions align with the high moral standards expected in the path of devotion.


“O Lord, grant me the discernment and purity to follow the path of devotion with integrity. May I always uphold the sacred teachings of the great saints and avoid any actions that would bring dishonor to the divine path. Protect me from the influence of false devotees, and guide me to remain steadfast in my vows and devotion. Hare Krishna.”