You are currently viewing The Best Benediction – The Holy Name of Krishna

The Poor Brahmana’s Quest

Once, a poor brahmana devotedly worshiped Lord Shiva, seeking a benediction to improve his life. Pleased with the brahmana’s devotion, Lord Shiva appeared before him and advised him to visit Sanatana Gosvami, saying that Sanatana could provide him with the best benediction.

The Touchstone

The brahmana, following Lord Shiva’s advice, went to see Sanatana Gosvami and conveyed Lord Shiva’s message. Sanatana Gosvami, known for his deep spirituality and simple living, had a touchstone—a magical gem that could turn iron into gold. However, Sanatana had kept this valuable gem amidst the garbage, showing little concern for it.

On the brahmana’s request, Sanatana Gosvami handed him the touchstone. Overjoyed, the brahmana left, thrilled by the prospect of turning as much iron into gold as he desired. Yet, as he walked away, a thought troubled him.

A Deeper Realization

The brahmana wondered, “If this touchstone is truly the best benediction, why did Sanatana Gosvami keep it with the garbage? Perhaps he possesses something far more valuable.” Unable to shake off this doubt, he decided to return to Sanatana Gosvami and inquire further.

The True Benediction

Upon returning, the brahmana asked, “Sir, if this touchstone is the greatest benediction, why did you keep it with the garbage?”

Sanatana Gosvami smiled and replied, “This touchstone is not the best benediction. But are you ready to receive the true benediction?”

The brahmana, recalling Lord Shiva’s guidance, eagerly agreed. Sanatana then instructed him to throw the touchstone into a nearby body of water and return.

Initiation into the Holy Name

The brahmana obediently discarded the touchstone and returned to Sanatana Gosvami, trusting that something greater awaited him. Sanatana then initiated the brahmana into the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, revealing that the holy names of the Lord are far more valuable than any material possession, including the touchstone.

Through this initiation, the brahmana received the ultimate blessing—the maha-mantra, which grants spiritual fulfillment and eternal connection with the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

Moral of the Story

This story illustrates that the greatest treasure in life is not found in material wealth or possessions, but in the spiritual wealth that comes from connecting with the divine through the chanting of the holy names. The true benediction lies in realizing the value of spiritual practices and the transformative power of the holy name, which surpasses all material gains.


“O Lord Krishna, grant us the wisdom to seek and cherish the true treasures of life—Your holy names and divine presence. May we always prioritize spiritual growth over material wealth, and may the holy names of Hare Krishna lead us to eternal peace and happiness. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”
