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The Divine Puppies

One day, near the kutir (small hut) where Srila Jagannath Das Babaji was residing, a dog gave birth to five puppies. Whether this took place in Vrindavan or Navadvipa is uncertain, but what is certain is the divine compassion that Jagannath Das Babaji showed towards these creatures. Every time he sat down to take prasadam (sanctified food), the puppies would gather around him and begin to lick the food from his plate as he was eating.

The Concerned Servant

Jagannath Das Babaji had a dedicated servant named Bihari Das, who was responsible for attending to his needs. One day, Bihari Das noticed the puppies eating from Jagannath Das Babaji’s plate and, concerned for his Guru’s health and cleanliness, he quickly ran over and drove the puppies away.

The Guru’s Rebuke

However, Jagannath Das Babaji was displeased with this action. He turned to Bihari Das and said, “Bihari, if you wish to drive these dogs off, you may take my plate away as well. I shall not eat today.” Bihari Das, surprised by this response, protested, “But Guru Maharaj, these dogs are unclean!”

The Deeper Vision

With profound wisdom, Jagannath Das Babaji gently replied, “No, Bihari, these dogs are Dhamavasis; they are residents of the Holy Dham. You must treat them with respect.”

Lesson to Be Learned

This story beautifully illustrates the deep respect and love that Srila Jagannath Das Babaji had for all living beings, especially those residing in the Holy Dham. It teaches us that spiritual vision goes beyond the external appearance or perceived cleanliness of a creature. The residents of the Holy Dham, whether human or animal, are to be treated with reverence, as they are all connected to the sacredness of the place.

Quote from Shastra

The Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.18) states:

“The trees, plants, and animals in Vrindavana are all on the same transcendental level as the gopis and the cowherd boys, as the gopis and the cowherd boys are fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness.”

This verse reflects the idea that all living entities in the Holy Dham, including animals, are spiritually elevated.


Oh Lord Krishna, please bless us with the vision to see the divine presence in all living beings, especially those who reside in Your Holy Dham. May we learn from the compassion of great saints like Srila Jagannath Das Babaji and treat all creatures with love and respect. Help us to cultivate a heart of humility and reverence towards every resident of the Holy Dham, knowing that they are dear to You. Jai Sri Radhe! Jai Sri Krishna!