You are currently viewing The Devotion of Sri Madhavendra Puri and the Kshir Chora Gopinath

The Divine Command

Sri Madhavendra Puri, a great devotee of Lord Krishna, was residing at Govardhan Hill, serving the Gopal (Srinathji) deity with utmost devotion. One day, in a dream, Gopala appeared to him and expressed a desire. Gopala said, “I am feeling very hot. Please bring sandalwood from the Malaya province and smear the paste over My body. Bring sandalwood pulp from Jagannatha Puri. Kindly go quickly. Since no one else can do it, you must.”

The Journey Begins

Overwhelmed with divine ecstasy, Madhavendra Puri immediately set out on his journey to fulfill the Lord’s command. On his way, he visited Remuna, where the beautiful deity of Gopinatha is worshipped. Upon seeing the deity, Madhavendra Puri was filled with a deep sense of devotion and awe. The brahmana priest informed him about the special offering of sweet rice, known as amrta-keli, which was prepared for the deity each evening.

The Divine Sweet Rice

Madhavendra Puri thought to himself, “If I could taste this sweet rice, I would be able to prepare a similar offering for my Lord Gopala.” However, he felt ashamed of this desire, considering it an offense. He did not ask for the sweet rice but left the temple, feeling remorseful. Instead, he sat in a vacant marketplace, chanting the holy names.

Meanwhile, the temple priest, after completing his duties, had a divine dream. Gopinatha appeared before him and revealed that He had kept one pot of sweet rice behind the cloth curtain specifically for Madhavendra Puri. The priest was instructed to find Madhavendra Puri and give him the sweet rice.

The Miracle of Gopinath

The priest, upon waking, followed the deity’s instructions. He found the hidden pot of sweet rice and went out searching for Madhavendra Puri. He called out loudly, “Madhavendra Puri, please come and take this pot! Gopinatha has stolen this sweet rice for you!” Hearing this, Madhavendra Puri came forward, identified himself, and received the pot with great reverence.

When the priest narrated the entire incident, Madhavendra Puri was overwhelmed with ecstatic love for Krishna. He consumed the sweet rice and kept the pot’s broken pieces, considering them sacred. Each day, he would eat a small piece of the broken pot and immediately feel the ecstasy of Krishna’s love.

The Title of Kshir Chora

From that day onwards, Gopinatha became known as ‘Kshir Chora Gopinath,’ the deity who stole sweet rice for His devotee. Madhavendra Puri continued his journey to Jagannatha Puri to collect sandalwood as instructed by Gopala. Upon his return, Gopala appeared in another dream and instructed Madhavendra Puri to apply the sandalwood paste to Gopinath, as He and Gopinath were one and the same. This would cool the deity’s body during the summer.

The Legacy

The tradition of applying sandalwood paste to the deity during summer, as initiated by Madhavendra Puri, continues to this day. The temple of Sri Gopinath in Remuna stands as a testament to Madhavendra Puri’s devotion, and his hermitage near the temple is still preserved. His sandals are also worshipped there, reminding devotees of his unparalleled love for Krishna. Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited this sacred site, further enhancing its spiritual significance.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. Unwavering Devotion: Madhavendra Puri’s life exemplifies unwavering devotion and surrender to the Lord’s will. His immediate response to Gopala’s command, despite the arduous journey, shows the depth of his devotion.
  2. Divine Providence: The story illustrates that when a devotee’s desires align with divine will, even unspoken wishes are fulfilled by the Lord, as seen in the case of Gopinatha providing the sweet rice to Madhavendra Puri.
  3. Humility in Devotion: Madhavendra Puri’s humility, despite his close relationship with the divine, teaches that true devotion is marked by humility and a sense of service rather than entitlement.
  4. Perseverance in Service: Madhavendra Puri’s journey to fulfill Gopala’s command, despite the difficulties, highlights the importance of perseverance in spiritual service.

Prayer to Sri Madhavendra Puri

O Sri Madhavendra Puri, the epitome of divine love,
Your devotion brought the Lord Himself to serve you.
Guide us on the path of pure devotion,
And may we serve the Lord with the same dedication and humility.

O Gopinatha, who stole sweet rice for Your devotee,
May we also taste the sweetness of Your love,
And be ever immersed in the ecstasy of serving You.