You are currently viewing The Divine Leela of Sri Madhavendra Puri and the Gopala Deity

The Arrival at Govardhana Hill

Sri Madhavendra Puri, a great and exalted devotee of Lord Krishna, once traveled to Vrindavana and came to the sacred hill known as Govardhana. Engulfed in the ecstasy of divine love, he was oblivious to day or night, sometimes standing, sometimes falling to the ground in sheer spiritual rapture. After circumambulating the hill, he bathed in the holy waters of Shyama-kunda and then sat beneath a tree to take his evening rest.

The Appearance of the Divine Cowherd Boy

While Madhavendra Puri sat under the tree, an unknown cowherd boy approached him with a pot of milk. Placing it before the saint, the boy smiled and said, “O Madhavendra Puri, please drink this milk. Why do you not beg for food to eat? What kind of meditation are you undergoing?”

Madhavendra Puri was captivated by the beauty and sweetness of the boy. Forgetting his hunger and thirst, he inquired, “Who are You? Where do You reside? And how did You know that I was fasting?”

The boy replied, “I am a cowherd boy from this village. In my village, no one fasts. If someone does not ask for food, I bring it to them. The women who came here to draw water saw you and sent me to bring you this milk.”

The boy mentioned that he needed to go and milk the cows but would return to collect the pot. However, after placing the milk, the boy suddenly disappeared, leaving Madhavendra Puri in deep wonder.

The Divine Vision and Command

After drinking the milk, Madhavendra Puri stayed awake, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. Towards the end of the night, he dozed off and had a divine vision. The same cowherd boy appeared in his dream, took him by the hand, and led him to a dense bush in the jungle.

The boy revealed, “I reside in this bush, suffering from cold, rain, and heat. Please bring the villagers and remove Me from this bush. Then, install Me on top of Govardhana Hill and construct a temple for Me. Wash Me with cold water to cleanse My body.”

The boy continued, “I am Gopala, the lifter of Govardhana Hill. I was installed here by Vajra, but during a Muslim invasion, the priest hid Me in this bush. I have been waiting for you, Madhavendra Puri, to serve Me.”

The Retrieval of Gopala

Awakening from the dream, Madhavendra Puri was filled with both joy and lamentation, feeling unworthy for not recognizing the Lord earlier. Determined to fulfill Gopala’s command, he gathered the villagers and led them to the bush. With great effort, they cleared the path and uncovered the deity of Gopala, covered with dirt and grass.

The villagers, in awe and joy, cleaned the deity and, with combined strength, carried Him to the top of Govardhana Hill. A large stone was prepared as a throne, and Gopala was installed upon it with great reverence. The installation ceremony was grand, with nine hundred pots of water from Govinda-kunda, fragrant garlands, and abundant offerings.

The Grand Annakuta Ceremony

The villagers brought vast quantities of food grains, milk, yogurt, and clarified butter. The Annakuta ceremony, a grand offering of food, was performed, and Madhavendra Puri personally offered everything to Gopala. Remarkably, though Gopala consumed all the offerings, the food remained as it was, a divine act perceived only by Madhavendra Puri.

The villagers and people from surrounding areas gathered daily to perform the Annakuta ceremony, bringing even more offerings and presenting them to Gopala. The news of Gopala’s appearance spread far and wide, attracting devotees and capitalists from Mathura who brought gold, silver, and other valuable gifts.

The Legacy of Devotion

Madhavendra Puri continued to serve Gopala with immense devotion. He initiated two brahmanas from Bengal who assisted in the daily worship, making the service more splendid each day. The temple of Gopala atop Govardhana Hill became a significant center of devotion, where people from various villages came to offer their service and devotion.

Lessons to be Learned

  1. Divine Providence: The story of Sri Madhavendra Puri teaches that the Lord Himself takes care of His devotees, appearing in forms and ways that transcend material limitations.
  2. Unwavering Devotion: Madhavendra Puri’s immediate and unhesitant response to Gopala’s command exemplifies pure devotion and surrender to the divine will.
  3. The Power of Bhakti: The miraculous events surrounding the installation of Gopala show that the power of bhakti (devotion) can move mountains—both literally and figuratively.
  4. Service Above All: Madhavendra Puri’s focus on serving Gopala, even when he could not immediately recognize the Lord, illustrates that sincere service is the highest form of worship.

Prayer to Sri Madhavendra Puri

O Sri Madhavendra Puri, ocean of devotion,
Through your love, the Lord revealed Himself to the world.
Guide us on the path of bhakti,
So that we may serve the Lord with the same purity and dedication.

O Gopala, lifter of Govardhana,
Grant us the strength to carry out Your will,
And let our hearts be filled with Your divine love and presence.