You are currently viewing The Divine Liberation of a Small Puppy by Lord Caitanya

Introduction to Nimai’s Childhood Play 

When Nimai (Lord Caitanya) was a small child, he once noticed a group of little puppies playing outside His house. Being a playful child, He tried to catch the puppies, but most of them ran away. However, one puppy stayed behind. Little Nimai, full of affection, thought, “I’ll take this little puppy and make him my pet.”

Nimai’s New Friend 

Nimai took the puppy inside the house and tied a little rope around its neck. He was overjoyed, as any child would be, playing with his new friend. But soon, Mother Śacī noticed the puppy and gently reprimanded Nimai, saying, “My dear child, what are you doing? We are a brāhmana family, and you are a brāhmana boy; you should not have a puppy in the house.”

Mother Śacī’s Concern Little Nimai, however, was attached to his new friend and responded, “No, this is my pet, mother.” Understanding His attachment, Mother Śacī suggested, “Okay son, if you wish, you can keep him outside the house.” Satisfied with this, Nimai agreed. Shortly afterward, Nimai wanted to go and take a bath in the Ganga with His friends. Mother Śacī reassured Him, “Don’t worry, you go and take your bath; I’ll take care of your puppy.”

The Puppy’s Departure 

While Nimai was playing and bathing in the Ganga with His friends, the mother of the puppy came searching for her pup. Mother Śacī, not wanting a dog around the house, released the puppy from the rope, allowing it to happily reunite with its mother. However, in doing so, she unknowingly broke the promise she had made to Nimai to take care of the puppy.

Nimai’s Reaction 

When Nimai returned home after His bath, His first question to His mother was, “Where is my puppy, mother?” Śacīmata explained, “His mother came looking for him, so he went away with her.” Hearing this, little Nimai began to cry for His lost friend, but as children do, He soon forgot and continued with His play.

The Puppy’s Divine Transformation 

Meanwhile, something extraordinary was happening on the other side of Navadvip. The small puppy, which had been embraced by Nimai, began to manifest symptoms of Krishna Prema, divine love for God. The puppy started jumping in the streets, barking with joy, but instead of ordinary barks, it was chanting “Haribol! Haribol!” Many people gathered to witness this miraculous sight as the puppy, filled with ecstatic love for Krishna, rolled on the ground and continued to chant the holy names.

The Puppy’s Liberation In a state of divine ecstasy, the puppy left its body. To the amazement of everyone present, a bright spark emerged from the heart of the puppy. At the same time, a much more brilliant light descended from the sky. It was a vimana, a spiritual airplane from the Vaikuntha realm, carrying Vishnudutas, the personal associates and messengers of Lord Vishnu. The soul of the puppy assumed a human form, ascended to the transcendental plane, and was escorted by the Vishnudutas to the spiritual world.

Reflections on the Story 

This story beautifully illustrates that even as a small child, Nimai (Lord Caitanya) was freely distributing Krishna Prema, divine love for God. His love and mercy are not limited to human beings but extend to all living entities. The puppy, who received Nimai’s affectionate embrace, manifested symptoms of love for God and was liberated, achieving the highest destination.

One of the signs that a living entity has achieved love for God is ecstatic chanting and dancing in kirtan, as demonstrated by the puppy chanting “Haribol, Haribol!” When a living entity reaches this stage of divine love, liberation is guaranteed. Such a soul is already living in the spiritual world, and it is only a matter of time before they join the eternal pastimes of the Lord. As we saw in this Lila, Vishnudutas, the personal associates of the Lord, are always ready to transport such a soul to the spiritual world, where they find eternal shelter at the Lord’s lotus feet.

Lessons to Be Learned:

  1. Universal Love and Mercy: The story shows that Lord Caitanya’s love and mercy are not confined to humans; they extend to all living beings. His grace can elevate even the most humble creatures to the highest spiritual platform.
  2. Power of Association: The puppy’s transformation is a testament to the power of association with a pure devotee like Nimai. Even a brief interaction with such a divine being can lead to liberation.
  3. Ecstatic Devotion: The puppy’s ecstatic chanting of the holy names highlights that true devotion transcends species. When one is absorbed in love for God, their actions reflect this divine state, leading to liberation.
  4. Assurance of Liberation: The story assures us that those who receive the mercy of the Lord, and who chant His holy names with devotion, are guaranteed liberation and will be transported to the spiritual world by the Lord’s associates.


“O Lord Caitanya, merciful incarnation of Krishna, just as you bestowed your divine love upon a humble puppy, please shower your grace upon us so that we may develop pure love for you. May we always remember your holy names and be absorbed in the ecstasy of chanting and dancing in your presence. Grant us the assurance of your protection and the ultimate shelter at your lotus feet.”

Quote from Shastra:

kṛṣṇa-nāma kare aparādhera vicāra
kṛṣṇa balile aparādhi nā haya vikāra

(Chaitanya Charitamrita, Antya-lila 3.60)
“The holy name of Krishna considers offenses, but the name of Gauranga does not. Therefore, if one is an offender, one should chant the name of Gauranga. But if one chants the name of Gauranga, the offenses will go away, and one will get pure devotion.”

This verse highlights the unique mercy of Lord Caitanya, who liberates souls without considering their offenses, as demonstrated in the story of the puppy.