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When Srila Raghunath Das Goswami was still living at home, deeply entangled in material life, he constantly devised plans to free himself from these bonds and immerse himself fully in devotional service. Upon hearing that Sri Nityananda Prabhu had made an auspicious appearance in the town of Panihati, Raghunath Das was filled with hope. He knew that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was the merciful deliverer of the most fallen souls and believed that through His grace, he could find the liberation he so desperately sought.

Determined, Raghunath crossed the Ganges and arrived in Panihati, where he found Sri Nityananda Prabhu seated under a tree on a wooden seat, surrounded by His divine associates. As soon as Raghunath saw Him from a distance, he fell to the ground in full prostration, like a rod, in deep reverence. Recognizing the sincerity and deep spiritual yearning in Raghunath’s heart, the merciful Sri Nityananda Prabhu called him close and immediately arranged for him to perform a service that would fulfill his deepest desires.

The Panihati Festival

With a playful yet profound gesture, Sri Nityananda Prabhu said to Raghunath, “Like a thief, you try to avoid Me, but now that I have caught you, I shall punish you. I want you to feed all My followers chipped rice and yogurt.” Hearing this command, Raghunath’s heart overflowed with joy. He quickly set about organizing a grand festival, later known as the Panihati Chiriadadhi Mahotsava, where chipped rice and yogurt were served to all.

This festival was no ordinary event. It was a divine celebration, with Sri Nityananda Prabhu and a manifestation of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself presiding over the feast. On the banks of the Ganges, it was as though the sacred Yamuna had been recreated, with Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Their associates, numerous Brahmins, and countless men and women from the area partaking in the joyous feast, reminiscent of the cowherd boys’ playful pastimes in Vrindavana. This grand service to the Lord and His devotees was a rare opportunity, a blessing that could only come to someone with immense good fortune.

The Blessings of Sri Nityananda Prabhu

The following day, filled with emotion and hope, Raghunath Das Goswami approached Sri Nityananda Prabhu through Srila Raghava Pandit, seeking guidance on how he could gain freedom from his material entanglements and find the association of Sri Mahaprabhu. Like an ocean of mercy, Sri Nityananda Prabhu placed His lotus feet on Raghunath’s head and spoke words that would forever change his life.

Nityananda Prabhu said, “You arranged this feast on the banks of the river, and Sri Mahaprabhu was so merciful that He came here Himself to enjoy it. He blessed you by accepting the offering of chipped rice and yogurt. Then, after watching the devotees dance, He took prasad in the evening. Lord Gauranga came here just to deliver you, and now He has removed any remaining impediments. He will turn you over to Svarupa Damodar and make you His confidential servant, keeping you by His side. Go home now and forget your worries. You will soon be able to go to the Lord without any difficulties.”

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Faith and Surrender: Srila Raghunath Das Goswami’s faith in the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu demonstrates the power of surrendering to the Lord’s will. His deep desire for liberation was fulfilled because of his complete faith and surrender to the Lord.
  2. Service to Devotees: The Panihati festival teaches us the importance of serving the Lord’s devotees. By serving the Vaishnavas with devotion, one can attain the mercy of the Lord and progress on the path of spiritual liberation.
  3. Divine Mercy: The story highlights the limitless mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who personally intervene to deliver their devotees from material bondage.
  4. Divine Playfulness: The Lord’s pastimes often involve seemingly simple acts, like the Panihati feast, that carry deep spiritual significance and lead to profound spiritual transformations.

Prayer to Sri Nityananda Prabhu

O Merciful Lord Nityananda, deliverer of the most fallen souls,
Please bestow Your mercy upon us, as You did upon Srila Raghunath Das Goswami.
Grant us the strength to serve You and Your devotees with sincerity and devotion.
May we always seek refuge at Your lotus feet,
And may Your boundless grace guide us on the path to liberation and eternal service to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Quote from Shastra

“nityānanda-prabhu-kṛpā, vañche yāṅra śrī-caraṇa
tāṅra ghṛṇā-mukha haite, se kṛṣṇa nā pāya kothā”

“One who desires the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu and seeks shelter at His lotus feet, that person, even if despised by others, will surely attain Krishna.”
— Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi-lila 5.195

This quote emphasizes the all-encompassing mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose grace can deliver even the most fallen souls and bring them to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.