You are currently viewing The Divine Recognition of a Vrajavasi by Jagannath Das Babaji

The Humble Offering

One morning, Srila Jagannath Das Babaji, a revered saint of Vrindavan, was walking through the streets when a street sweeper humbly handed him a roti, a simple Indian flatbread. Without hesitation, Srila Jagannath Das Babaji accepted the offering and ate it. However, news of this act spread quickly through the town, causing a stir among the local residents, particularly among the high-class citizens of Vrindavan.

The Concern of the Citizens

A group of these distinguished citizens, shocked and concerned, approached Srila Jagannath Das Babaji later that afternoon. They were troubled by the thought that such a revered saint had accepted food from the hands of a street sweeper, someone they considered to be of low social status. With great respect, they expressed their concerns to Jagannath Das Babaji, saying, “Babaji, you are the crest jewel of Vrindavan. It pains us to hear anyone criticizing you, but now everyone is talking about you. How is it that you, a pure saint, accepted food from the hand of someone so low as a street sweeper?”

Jagannath Das Babaji’s Enlightened Response

In response, Srila Jagannath Das Babaji offered a profound revelation. He said, “Sirs, before descending from the spiritual world to this planet, Lord Krishna ordered 88,000 saints to take birth in various families of Vraja. Since that time, these saints have dedicated themselves to the service of the Holy Dham. The sweeper from whom I accepted the roti is one of those 88,000 saints who took birth in a Vrajavasi family. She should be worshipped.”

The Realization and Humility of the Citizens

Upon hearing these words, the distinguished citizens of Vrindavan were struck with awe and humility. Realizing their mistake, they immediately fell at the feet of Jagannath Das Babaji, asking for his forgiveness. Babaji, however, directed them to seek forgiveness from the street sweeper herself, saying, “If you want forgiveness, go and ask for forgiveness from the street sweeper. She is a Vrajavasi.”

Lesson to Be Learned

This story teaches us the profound truth that spiritual status is not determined by social standing or external appearances but by one’s devotion and service to the Lord. The humble sweeper, though seen as lowly by society, was recognized by Jagannath Das Babaji as a saintly soul dedicated to the service of Vrindavan, the Holy Dham. It reminds us to see beyond material designations and to honor the spiritual qualities in all beings.

Quote from Shastra

The Bhagavad Gita (5.18) states:

“The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal vision a learned and gentle brāhmaṇa, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater [outcaste].”

This verse highlights the vision of a true saint, who sees all beings with equal respect, recognizing the divine presence within everyone.


Oh Lord Krishna, please bless us with the vision of pure devotion so that we may recognize and honor the divine qualities in all beings, regardless of their external circumstances. May we learn from the humility and wisdom of great souls like Srila Jagannath Das Babaji, and may we always offer our respect to the devotees of Your Holy Dham. Please guide us to see beyond material distinctions and embrace the true spirit of bhakti. Jai Sri Radhe! Jai Sri Krishna!