You are currently viewing The Flower of Devotion: The Story of Candidas

There were two brothers. One was named Candidas, who worshipped Candi, a fierce form of Goddess Kali. His brother, however, was a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu. Candidas was wealthy because worshipping Durga often brought prosperity. He had a large garden and a grand palace, whereas the Vaiṣṇava brother only had a small Śālagrāma deity but lacked flowers to offer.

Every day, the Vaiṣṇava brother would look longingly at his brother’s beautiful garden, thinking, “There are so many flowers here, yet I have none for my Śālagrāma.” One day, as he gazed at the garden, he mentally offered a flower from it to his deity.

The next day, Candidas picked that very same flower and offered it to Goddess Candi. To his surprise, she appeared before him immediately. “I am pleased with you, Candidas. What blessing do you desire?” she asked.

Astonished, Candidas inquired, “Why have you appeared today, Goddess? I worship you every day, yet today you have suddenly come before me. Please tell me why.”

Candi replied, “Today, you offered me a flower that had already been offered to Śālagrāma, making it prasādam. Seeing that prasādam flower pleased me, and that is why I have appeared.”

Candidas was confused and asked, “If Śālagrāma is superior to you, why did you never tell me, ‘Candidas, you should worship Śālagrāma instead of me’?”

The Goddess replied, “You never asked me who was Supreme. Had you asked, I would have told you. I know who is Supreme—Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality, and Śālagrāma is His worshippable form, not me. But since you were sincerely worshipping me, I allowed it, hoping that one day you would learn and find the true object of worship.”

Hearing this, Candidas was filled with remorse. He said, “I am truly sorry for wasting my life in ignorance. Please forgive me. From now on, I will worship Śālagrāma.”

Candi smiled and said, “There is nothing to forgive. I am happy for you. Go and worship Śālagrāma.”

Filled with repentance, Candidas composed many songs expressing his devotion and realizations. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu Himself would later listen to these songs and be filled with ecstasy.

Lesson to Be Learned:
This story teaches us the importance of sincere devotion and the humility to accept higher truths when they are revealed to us. Even if we start on a path that may not be entirely correct, a sincere heart will eventually lead us to the ultimate truth. The story also emphasizes the transformative power of grace, showing that true worship brings divine understanding and fulfillment.


O Supreme Lord, please help me understand the true path of devotion. Even if I make mistakes, may my heart always remain sincere, and may I be open to Your divine guidance. May my worship lead me to deeper realizations, and may I serve You in the way that truly pleases You. Just as Candidas found Your grace through humility and sincerity, let my devotion bloom in Your loving service.