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Srimad Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami writes: “All glories to Madhavendra Puri, the storehouse of all Krishna-prema! He is a desire tree of bhakti, and it is in him that the seed of bhakti first fructified. The seed of Krishna-prema next blossomed in Sri Ishvara Puri, and then Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself became the main trunk of the tree of bhakti.”

Sri Ishvara Puri was born into a Brahmin family in Kumarahatta, now known as Kamarhatty near Halisahara, on the outskirts of Kolkata. He became the most beloved disciple of Sri Madhavendra Puri, whose intense devotion to Lord Krishna was unparalleled. The relationship between Ishvara Puri and his guru was marked by a deep bond of service and love.

In the final stage of Madhavendra Puri’s life, he was physically debilitated and unable to care for himself. It was during this time that Ishvara Puri’s unwavering devotion shone brightly. He dedicated himself completely to serving his guru, cleaning up after him, and constantly chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra to keep his guru’s mind absorbed in Krishna. Pleased by this pure and selfless service, Madhavendra Puri blessed Ishvara Puri, saying, “May you have Krishna-prema.” This blessing transformed Ishvara Puri into a great devotee, immersed in the ocean of divine love.

As Srila Prabhupada points out, it is by the mercy of the spiritual master that one becomes perfect. The relationship between Madhavendra Puri and Ishvara Puri exemplifies this truth. A Vaishnava is always protected by the Supreme Lord, but if they appear to be in need, it provides an opportunity for their disciples to render service and grow spiritually.

Later, Ishvara Puri traveled to Nabadwip-dham and stayed at the house of Gopinatha Acarya. During this time, he met Nimai Pandit, who would later be known as Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Ishvara Puri requested Nimai to assist him with his book, Krishna-lilamrita. Nimai, recognizing the deep devotion of Ishvara Puri, praised the work, saying it was flawless, and made only a few corrections. This encounter left a profound impression on Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

When Ishvara Puri first arrived in Nabadwip, he was humble and tried to hide his identity as a great devotee. He visited the temple of Advaita Acarya, sitting quietly in a corner, not wanting to draw attention to himself. However, the power of a true Vaishnava cannot be hidden. Advaita Acarya soon recognized his spiritual strength, and Mukunda Datta began singing Krishna-lila kirtan. The beautiful melodies moved Ishvara Puri to tears of ecstasy, and he fainted in a trance of divine love. The devotees realized that this humble visitor was none other than Madhavendra Puri’s beloved disciple, and they joyfully chanted the holy names of Krishna.

During his stay in Nabadwip, Caitanya Mahaprabhu invited Ishvara Puri to His home. With great humility, Mahaprabhu washed Ishvara Puri’s feet with His own hands and served him with utmost respect. In turn, Ishvara Puri showed great affection towards young Gadadhara and would read his book, Krishna-lilamrita, to him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu often praised Ishvara Puri, saying that the words of Krishna’s devotees were as sacred as Krishna Himself.

A pivotal moment in their relationship came when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited Gaya to offer oblations to His ancestors. There, He once again met Ishvara Puri. Overwhelmed with emotion, Mahaprabhu offered His obeisances and requested initiation. Recognizing Mahaprabhu’s divinity, Ishvara Puri gladly initiated Him with the Gayatri mantra. This initiation marked the beginning of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission to distribute Krishna-prema and inundate the world with love for God.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu often expressed His deep respect and gratitude towards Ishvara Puri, calling him the true fulfillment of all holy places. On His way back to Nabadwip from Gaya, He stopped at Kumarahatta, Ishvara Puri’s birthplace, and collected some dust, declaring, “This dust is my life and soul!”

Before passing away, Sri Ishvara Puri instructed his disciples, Govinda and Kashishvara Pandit, to serve Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura wrote, “Madhavendra Puri, the best of sannyasis, had as his foremost disciples Ishvara Puri, Nityananda, and the great Advaita. To honor Sri Ishvara Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the guru of the whole world, accepted him as His spiritual master.”

Lesson to Be Learned: The life of Sri Ishvara Puri is a testament to the power of humility, devotion, and unwavering service to the spiritual master. His dedication to Madhavendra Puri, especially during his guru’s final days, exemplifies true selflessness and love. By serving his guru wholeheartedly, Ishvara Puri received the ultimate blessing of Krishna-prema. His story teaches us that true spiritual advancement lies in selfless service to the guru, without pride or expectation. Service to the guru is the gateway to the highest spiritual realization.

Prayer: O Supreme Lord, grant me the humility and devotion to serve my spiritual master as Sri Ishvara Puri served his guru. May I learn to let go of my pride and embrace the path of selfless service. Just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu received the blessings of Ishvara Puri and shared the nectar of Krishna-prema with the world, may I also become an instrument of Your love and compassion. Help me to serve sincerely, without any expectations, and guide me towards the shelter of Your divine lotus feet.