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Kasi is renowned for the holy river Ganges, for Lord Siva, and for many jnanis and yogis. One such yogi was Anandaswami. The sishya parampara (disciplic succession) begins with Ananthanande Swami, whose disciple was Pokarides, whose disciples were Agraji and Kinji.

Agraji’s Devotion and Teachings

Agraji chanted the name of Lord Vishnu and was known for his bhakti (devotion), jnana (knowledge), and vairagya (renunciation). He taught nava vidha bhakti (nine forms of devotion) and the greatness of Srihari to his disciples, including Padmahasti. Agraji was such a great yogi that Lord Lakshminadha would manifest before him in human form whenever he desired.

The Famine and the Abandoned Child

During a famine, people were starving for food. A devout and virtuous lady, unable to feed her son, left him on the riverbed and, praying to God, gave up her life in the river. The boy’s cries of hunger and fear attracted Agrajidas, who had come to bathe in the holy river. Learning what had happened through his jnana drishti (divine vision), Agrajidas took pity on the boy, brought him to his Math (monastery), and named him Nabhaji.

Nabhaji’s Devotion and Divine Knowledge

Nabhaji grew up in the Math, considering the food offered to saintly people as veritable divine food. He observed Agrajidas’s rituals and listened to Bhagavatam stories. Through continuous practices, his previous sins were nullified, and he gained divya jnana (divine knowledge). He could read the innermost secrets of people but never revealed his powers, finding immense pleasure in praying to God.

The Businessman’s Desperate Prayer

One day, after Agrajidas had his holy dip in the Ganges and closed the door to pray to God, he found that God did not appear. Nabhaji, seated outside, knew this. He consoled his guru, explaining that God was busy saving a businessman’s sinking ship because the businessman had offered one-fifth of his goods to Agrajidas if he was saved. God, known for His kindness, had rushed to help him.

God’s Appearance and Nabhaji’s Insight

After some time, Nabhaji informed his guru that Rukminivallabha (Lord Krishna) had completed the task of saving the ship, and now he could pray to Him. Agrajidas prayed, and God appeared before him, with wet clothes. When Agrajidas asked about His whereabouts, God explained the situation and mentioned the promised goods for the Math. Then the Lord disappeared.

Agrajidas invited Nabhaji inside and asked how he knew a secret that even Lord Brahma could not know. Nabhaji explained that by incessantly chanting the name of Narayana and eating the food of great saints, he had been blessed by God and could know His whereabouts.

Nabhaji’s Legacy

Agrajidas smiled and said that God is more pleased by the praise of His devotees than by His own praise. He enlightened Nabhaji with those stories, which Nabhaji wrote down in the Gwalior language and in common Sanskrit. The news spread, and many people came to listen to the stories. By listening to these stories narrated by Nabhaji, many became devotees of Lord Krishna and were blessed by Him. Ultimately, Nabhaji too was united with God.

Moral of the Story

God resides within us and knows our innermost thoughts. We don’t have to spell out our desires to Him. If we pray to God with ananya bhakti (unalloyed devotion), we can know the whereabouts of God, who resides within us. The power of sincere devotion and the chanting of God’s name can grant us divine insight and blessings.

Teaching from Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.37:

pibanti ye bhagavata aatmanah sataam
kathaamrtam sravana-puteshu sambhrtam
punati te vishaya-viduushitaashayam
vrajanti tac-charana-saroruhaantikam

“Those who drink through aural reception, fully filled with nectarian messages of Lord Krishna, the beloved of the devotees, purify the polluted aim of life known as material enjoyment and thus go back to Godhead, to the Lotus feet of Him (the Personality of Godhead).”

Teaching from Caitanya Caritamrita

Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi-lila 9.23:

yāre dekha, tāre kaha ‘kṛṣṇa’-upadeśa
āmāra ājñāya guru hañā tāra’ ei deśa

“Whomever you meet, instruct them about Krishna. By My order, become a guru and save this land.”

Teaching of Srila Prabhupada

Srila Prabhupada emphasized the importance of sincere and humble devotional service.

Srila Prabhupada said: “If we take one sincere step towards Krishna, Krishna is willing to run thousands of steps towards us. He just wants to see our sincerity.” (Nectar of Instruction, Verse 7, Purport)


O Lord Krishna,
Please grant us the sincerity and devotion of Nabhaji.
Help us to chant Your holy names with faith and love,
So that we may overcome the illusions of material enjoyment and return to Your divine abode.
May our hearts be filled with true devotion and love,
And may we always strive to please You with our actions.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

May Your divine grace and blessings be upon us always,
Guiding us towards pure devotion and eternal bliss in Your service.

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