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The Incident in Ananta Samhita

In the sacred scripture known as the Ananta Samhita, Lord Shiva narrates to Parvati a beautiful and divine pastime of Lord Krishna. Krishna was enjoying the company of a gopi named Viraja in a special grove in Vrindavan. However, one of Radharani’s sakhis (confidantes) happened to hear about this and quickly informed Srimati Radharani.

Radha’s Divine Jealousy

Upon hearing the news, the moon-faced Radha, filled with a divine and transcendental jealousy, rushed toward the grove. The jealousy of Srimati Radharani is not like the material jealousy rooted in selfish desires. Instead, it is purely centered on Krishna’s pleasure and well-being. Her only concern was that no one could serve and please Krishna as much as she could. Therefore, driven by this intense desire to serve Krishna, she hurried to the grove.

The Disappearance of Krishna and Viraja

As soon as Krishna realized that Radharani was approaching, He quickly disappeared from the grove, and the gopi Viraja transformed herself into a river that encircled the entire circumference of Vrindavan. When Radharani arrived at the grove, neither Krishna nor Viraja was there.

Manifestation of Navadvipa by Srimati Radharani

Determined to attract Krishna’s attention, Srimati Radharani used her own transcendental potency to create an extraordinarily beautiful place. She manifested this place between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. This divine abode was filled with fragrant flowers like jasmine, malika, and malati, as well as beautiful creepers, trees, and charming animals such as rabbits, birds, and deer. The atmosphere was further enhanced by the presence of bumblebees and butterflies.

Radha then summoned Cupid and springtime personified, instructing them to reside in this beautiful place eternally for Krishna’s pleasure. She also called upon all the most melodious birds and requested them to sing Krishna’s holy names forever in this divine place.

Krishna’s Arrival and Naming of Navadvipa

To attract Krishna, Srimati Radharani played a most enchanting melody on a flute. Within moments, Krishna appeared, took Radha by the hand, and expressed His deep affection for her, saying, “O lovely-faced Radha, you are my very life. There is no one more dear to me than you.”

Krishna acknowledged Radha’s effort in creating this wonderful abode, stating that from that moment, devotees would always glorify the place. He then paused and said, “Because it is an island between two rivers, the wise shall call it Navadvipa.” He continued, “By my order, all the holy places will come and reside here. Those who come to worship us, the divine couple, here will certainly attain the mood of the sakhis. And if anyone comes to this holy dham just once, they will receive the benefit of visiting all the holy places.”

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Divine Jealousy vs. Material Jealousy: Radha’s jealousy is purely for Krishna’s pleasure and is devoid of any selfishness. It teaches us that true love is selfless and centered on the happiness of the beloved.
  2. The Power of Devotional Creation: Srimati Radharani’s creation of Navadvipa through her divine potency shows the power of devotion and the manifestation of divine abodes through pure love and devotion.
  3. Sanctity of Navadvipa: The pastime underscores the significance of Navadvipa as a holy place that embodies the mood of divine love and devotion. It is a place where devotees can easily attain the mood of the sakhis and receive immense spiritual benefit.

Quote from Shastra

“tad-aśma-sāraṁ hṛdayaṁ batedaṁ yad gṛhyamāṇair harināma-dheyaiḥ na vikriyetātha yadā vikāro netre jalaṁ gātra-ruheṣu harṣaḥ”

“Certainly that heart is steel-framed which, in spite of one’s chanting the holy name of the Lord with concentration, does not change when ecstasy takes place, tears fill the eyes, and the hairs stand on end.”

—Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.3.24

This verse highlights the power of chanting and the deep emotional transformation it brings, much like the divine emotions that inspired Srimati Radharani to create Navadvipa.


O most merciful Srimati Radharani, we bow down to Your divine love and compassion. Please bless us with a fraction of the selfless devotion You have for Lord Krishna. May we always seek His pleasure above our own, and may our hearts be purified so that we may one day experience the divine ecstasy of serving the Lord in His eternal abode. O Krishna, please allow us to visit and serve in Navadvipa, the sacred land created by Radha’s pure love. Jai Radhe! Jai Krishna!