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Introduction: The Pandavas’ Dilemma

After completing their twelve years of exile and one year incognito, the Pandavas returned to Hastinapur and sought the return of their kingdom, Indraprastha. However, their cousin Duryodhana, driven by greed and arrogance, refused to return even a small portion of the land, despite the prospect of war. Yudhisthira, who was the embodiment of dharma, wished to avoid conflict and asked Lord Krishna to act as an ambassador of peace. Krishna, ever compassionate, agreed to go to Hastinapur on behalf of the Pandavas.

Krishna’s Arrival in Hastinapur

As news of Krishna’s visit spread, many leaders eagerly extended invitations to host Him, including Duryodhana, who arranged a lavish feast in an attempt to win Krishna’s favor. However, Krishna, who sees through all motives, knew Duryodhana’s intentions. He chose instead to visit the home of His great devotee, Vidura.

Vidura, a humble and devoted soul, had always placed everything he had at the Lord’s disposal, recognizing that everything in the universe ultimately belongs to Krishna. On hearing of Krishna’s arrival, Vidura was away, but his wife was at home, and she eagerly welcomed the Lord.

The Divine Athithi

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, who is also known as “Athithi” (a guest who arrives without prior notice), appeared at Vidura’s doorstep, fulfilling the deepest desire of Vidura’s wife, who had longed for His darshan. Overwhelmed with joy and devotion, Vidura’s wife prostrated at Krishna’s feet, her heart overflowing with love for the Lord.

The Offering of Banana Peels

Krishna entered the house, and Vidura’s wife, still lost in her devotion, followed Him. The Lord, seated comfortably, expressed that He was hungry. In her eagerness to serve, Vidura’s wife rushed to the kitchen but found that there was no food prepared. Spotting a bunch of bananas, she quickly brought them to Krishna.

In her deep state of devotion, she peeled the bananas but, in her trance-like state, offered the Lord the peels instead of the fruit. Krishna, who is moved only by the sincerity of devotion, happily accepted the peels and ate them, relishing each bite. She continued to feed Him peel after peel, and Krishna continued to accept them with great delight.

Vidura’s Reaction and Krishna’s Lesson

Meanwhile, Vidura received word that Krishna had arrived at his home. He rushed back, only to be shocked by the sight of his wife feeding Krishna banana peels. He quickly reprimanded her for her mistake, breaking her trance of devotion. Realizing what she had done, Vidura’s wife felt deeply embarrassed. She carefully peeled another banana, this time offering the fruit to Krishna.

Krishna accepted the fruit but expressed dissatisfaction. He explained to Vidura that the banana peels, offered with complete and undivided devotion, were far sweeter to Him than the fruit offered with distracted attention.

The Essence of Devotion

Through this divine interaction, Krishna revealed a profound truth: the Lord does not seek material offerings; He seeks the love and devotion with which they are given. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9, Verse 26), “Whatever is offered to Me, whether it is a leaf, flower, fruit, or a drop of water, if it is offered with devotion, I accept it totally.” It is the love and sincerity behind the offering that matters most to the Lord.

Conclusion: The Lord Seeks Pure Love

Vidura and his wife learned that the true essence of service to the Lord lies in the purity of the heart and the sincerity of the offering. Krishna, who is the embodiment of love, values the devotion and intent behind an offering more than the offering itself. This story serves as a reminder that in our relationship with the Divine, what matters most is not what we give, but how we give it—with love, devotion, and undivided attention.


O Lord Krishna, we offer our humble obeisances to You, who is the Supreme embodiment of love and compassion. Please grant us the wisdom to serve You with pure devotion, free from distractions and ego. Help us to understand that You value our love and sincerity above all else, and guide us to offer everything we have with a heart full of devotion. May we always remember that in Your eyes, even the simplest offering, when made with love, is more precious than the most extravagant gifts. Jai Shri Krishna!
