You are currently viewing The Story of a Humble Brahmin Disciple of Sripad Ramanujacharya

Today is the appearance day of Sri Ramanujacharya, a revered saint who not only demonstrated the essence of devotion in his own life but also inspired his disciples to embody the highest principles of service to Guru and Krishna. Through the lives of his disciples, Sri Ramanujacharya taught us the importance of humility, obedience, and unwavering dedication to the service of the Lord.

A Brahmin’s Sincere Request

One day, a very pious and humble Brahmin approached Sri Ramanujacharya with a heart full of devotion. With deep sincerity, he expressed his desire to become a disciple, saying, “I want to accept you as my Guru Maharaj. I wish to stay with you, serve you, and dedicate my life to pleasing you. Please instruct me.” Ramanujacharya, seeing the Brahmin’s genuine desire, replied, “Yes, I will instruct you, but you must do whatever I tell you without question.” The Brahmin, without hesitation, gave his word, “I promise, I will do whatever you instruct me to do without any questioning.”

An Unusual Instruction

Pleased with the Brahmin’s dedication, Ramanujacharya gave him a unique instruction. He said, “According to the shastras, the greatest purification is to take the water that has washed the feet of a humble Brahmin. My instruction to you is that every day you should wash your feet and give me that water to drink and sprinkle on my head.”

The Brahmin, simple and devoted, understood this to be his Guru’s wish and accepted it wholeheartedly. Every day, he would wash his feet and personally deliver the water to Ramanujacharya, who would then sprinkle it on his head.

The Test of Devotion

One day, Ramanujacharya visited the home of one of his householder disciples. There, he was offered prasadam, the sanctified food of the Lord. Immersed in the nectar of Hari Katha, the whole day passed, and soon it was late at night. When Ramanujacharya finally returned to his ashram, he found the Brahmin still awake, even though it was very late.

Surprised, Ramanujacharya asked, “Why are you still awake? Have you not eaten your prasadam today?” The Brahmin humbly replied, “No, I have not eaten.” Ramanujacharya then inquired, “You have been fasting all day, and now you are staying up so late. Why?” The Brahmin, with deep sincerity, answered, “I have been waiting for you all day to give you the water from my feet. I cannot eat or sleep without fulfilling my service to you.”

Touched by the Brahmin’s unwavering devotion, Ramanujacharya blissfully took the water, sprinkled it on his head, and then allowed the Brahmin to take prasadam and rest.

The Guru’s Joy

Ramanujacharya was overjoyed, not just because of the water but because of the simplicity, humility, and devotion that the Brahmin exhibited. The Brahmin’s dedication was so pure that he was unconcerned with heaven or hell, shame or embarrassment—his only concern was to please his Guru. In the eyes of the world, what the Brahmin did might be seen as demeaning or even sinful, but to him, nothing mattered more than the satisfaction of his Guru.

( story nareted by Radhanat Swami )

Lessons to be Learned

  1. Unquestioning Devotion: The story highlights the importance of unwavering faith and obedience to the instructions of one’s Guru. The Brahmin’s commitment to his Guru’s instructions was absolute, demonstrating the ideal attitude of a disciple.
  2. Humility in Service: True devotion requires humility. The Brahmin was willing to perform a task that could be considered embarrassing or even degrading, simply because it was his Guru’s wish. His humility made his service even more pleasing to Ramanujacharya.
  3. Beyond Material Concerns: The Brahmin was not concerned with worldly judgments or the consequences of his actions. His only focus was on serving and pleasing his Guru. This teaches us that true devotion transcends material considerations.
  4. The Guru’s Compassion: Ramanujacharya’s happiness upon seeing the Brahmin’s dedication shows the deep bond between a Guru and a disciple. A Guru is pleased not by grand gestures but by the sincerity and simplicity of the disciple’s heart.

A Prayer for Devotion

“O Lord Krishna, grant us the strength to serve our Guru with the same humility and devotion as the Brahmin in this story. May we always remain steadfast in our commitment, unafraid of worldly judgments, and focused solely on pleasing You and our Guru. Help us to transcend material concerns and dedicate our lives to Your service.”