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A Man’s Plea for Mercy

One day, a man approached Babaji Maharaja with a heartfelt request. He repeatedly pleaded, “Babaji Maharaja, please be merciful to me! Please be merciful to me!” His earnestness and persistence caught Babaji Maharaja’s attention.

Babaji Maharaja’s Response

Babaji Maharaja, slightly annoyed by the man’s incessant pleas, decided to respond in a way that would convey a deeper lesson. He said, “You want mercy? Then here—take mercy!” With these words, Babaji Maharaja handed the man a pair of kaupinas (simple loincloths).

The Significance of Kaupinas

The act of giving the man a pair of kaupinas held profound meaning. When a guru bestows sannyasa (the renounced order of life) upon someone, he traditionally gives them a pair of kaupinas along with the sacred mantra. This act symbolizes the renunciation of all worldly attachments and the complete dedication of one’s body, mind, and speech to the service of Krishna. In this context, Babaji Maharaja’s gesture of offering kaupinas was an invitation to embrace the highest form of mercy—total renunciation and surrender to Krishna.

The Man’s Reaction

However, upon hearing Babaji Maharaja’s words and receiving the kaupinas, the man became frightened. The weight of the responsibility and the true meaning of receiving such mercy overwhelmed him. Unable to accept the call to renunciation, the man ran away and never returned.

Lessons to be Learned:

  1. True Mercy Requires Surrender: Babaji Maharaja demonstrated that real mercy from a spiritual teacher often comes with the call to renounce worldly attachments and fully surrender to a life of devotion. This is the greatest gift a guru can offer.
  2. The Seriousness of Renunciation: The man’s reaction shows that renunciation and spiritual dedication are not to be taken lightly. The path of devotion demands courage and commitment, which not everyone is ready to embrace.
  3. Understanding the Depth of Spiritual Requests: The story highlights that when we ask for spiritual mercy, we must be prepared for the responsibilities that come with it. True spiritual progress often requires sacrifice and deep commitment.


O Lord, help us to understand the true meaning of mercy and grant us the strength to accept it with a sincere heart. May we be ready to renounce worldly attachments and dedicate our lives to Your service with unwavering devotion. Bless us with the courage to follow the path of surrender and to embrace the responsibilities that come with Your divine mercy.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare