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The Importance of Good Association

In life, our progress in spiritual and material realms is heavily influenced by the company we keep. The scriptures warn us that if any association or activity interferes with our spiritual practice (sadhana), it must be forsaken, as it acts like poison. The Bhagavatam emphasizes this point, underscoring the importance of choosing associations that bring us closer to Krishna rather than those that lead us away.

Duryodhana’s Rise and Fall

Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas, was a mighty prince and the greatest king of his time. However, despite his noble birth and great potential, his life was marred by the influence of bad company—particularly that of Karna, Dushasana, and his uncle Shakuni. Their ill advice (Kumantra) led Duryodhana down a path of destruction, eventually causing him to lose everything he held dear.

The Incident with Krishna

One of the most telling moments in Duryodhana’s life was when Lord Krishna himself visited him to negotiate peace. Krishna, the Supreme Lord, offered a simple solution: if Duryodhana would give the Pandavas just five villages, they would be satisfied, and there would be no war. Duryodhana, intoxicated by pride and the ill advice of his companions, refused even this humble request. He arrogantly declared that he would not give the Pandavas even as much land as could fit on the tip of a needle without a fight.

Despite the wise counsel of elders like Bhishma and Dronacharya, Duryodhana’s mind was clouded by the demoniac influence of his associates. This arrogance and refusal to listen to reason set the stage for the catastrophic Kurukshetra war, which ultimately led to his downfall.

The Consequences of Bad Advice

The influence of bad company can erode even the strongest foundations of character and lead one away from righteousness. In Duryodhana’s case, his downfall was swift and severe. After a grueling battle, he was mortally wounded by Bhima, who, guided by Krishna, struck him on the thigh—his only vulnerable spot. This spot had been left unprotected due to Krishna’s clever intervention when Duryodhana sought to make his body invincible with the blessings of his mother, Gandhari.

Duryodhana’s tragic end was not just a result of his actions but also of the company he kept. His story illustrates the profound impact that bad advice and negative influences can have on a person’s life, leading to the loss of wealth, power, and ultimately, life itself.

Modern Parallels: The Story of Christina Onassis

The dangers of bad company are not confined to ancient times. The story of Christina Onassis, a modern-day example, mirrors the fate of Duryodhana. Christina, the daughter of the billionaire Aristotle Onassis, inherited immense wealth but was surrounded by unhealthy influences. Despite her vast fortune, she led a troubled life, marked by multiple marriages and divorces, and eventually succumbed to the destructive lifestyle that bad company had led her into. She died at the young age of 35, illustrating how even the richest can be brought low by poor associations.

The Lesson: Choose Your Company Wisely

The stories of Duryodhana and Christina Onassis serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the importance of good association (Satsang) and the dangers of bad company (Dussang). Bad company can rob us of our wealth, peace, and even our lives, as it leads us away from the path of righteousness and spiritual growth.

If we desire to live a fulfilling and righteous life, we must choose our companions carefully, ensuring that they encourage and support our spiritual journey. Just as Duryodhana’s life was destroyed by his associates, our own lives can be similarly affected if we do not remain vigilant.


The Bhagavatam and other scriptures remind us that the association we keep plays a crucial role in our spiritual and material well-being. Duryodhana’s downfall, brought about by the bad company of ill advisors, teaches us that no amount of power or wealth can protect us if we are led astray by negative influences. By surrounding ourselves with those who inspire us towards good, we can protect our lives and spiritual progress, ensuring that we remain on the path of righteousness and divine connection.