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Introduction to the Saint

Sri Krsnadása Payahári was a great saint who resided at Galtá near Jaipur. Known for his exemplary godliness, he was a beacon of transcendent morality, living a life that strictly adhered to the scriptures. His life was a testament to the possibility of conquering the contaminations of the Kali-yuga, the current age of discord and sin. Sri Krsnadása Payahári’s unwavering devotion and strict observance of religious principles made him a revered figure in spiritual circles.

The Lion’s Visit

Once, while Sri Krsnadása Payahári was deeply immersed in his devotional practices in a mountain cave, a lion appeared before him. Rather than reacting with fear, the saint perceived the lion as a guest sent by the Lord. In an act of extreme devotion and hospitality, he offered the lion flesh from his own thigh, praying, “My Lord, kindly accept this.” This act of self-sacrifice demonstrated his extraordinary detachment from the material body and his unwavering commitment to serving the Lord in any form.

Divine Reward

Sri Krsnadása Payahári’s selfless act of offering his own flesh to the lion did not go unnoticed by the divine. The depth of his faith in religious principles and his unwavering devotion touched the heart of Lord Sri Rámacandra. The Lord, moved by the sincerity and purity of the saint’s actions, decided to bless Sri Krsnadása Payahári with His divine darsana (appearance).

When Lord Rámacandra appeared before Sri Krsnadása Payahári, the pain from the self-inflicted wound on his thigh instantly disappeared. The saint was overjoyed by the Lord’s presence, feeling that his greatest wish had been fulfilled. The divine darsana was a clear indication that the Lord was pleased with the saint’s devotion and sacrifice.

Lessons in Devotion and Charity

The life of Sri Krsnadása Payahári serves as an extraordinary example of true devotion and the highest form of charity. In a world where people often feel reluctant to offer even basic hospitality to a guest, Sri Krsnadása Payahári’s willingness to sacrifice his own flesh stands as a remarkable testament to his character. His actions challenge us to reconsider our own approach to charity and devotion.

His unwavering commitment to religious principles and his ability to see the divine in all beings, even in a lion, illustrate the depth of his spiritual insight. This story also teaches that true devotion is recognized and rewarded by the divine, often in ways that transcend worldly understanding.

Moral of the Story

Sri Krsnadása Payahári’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of selflessness, devotion, and the strict adherence to religious principles. His life exemplifies the idea that true devotion requires complete surrender and the willingness to see and serve the divine in all forms. The saint’s ultimate reward, the darsana of Lord Rámacandra, emphasizes that such devotion does not go unnoticed and is ultimately rewarded by the Lord Himself.

This story also highlights the concept of spiritual charity, where the greatest offerings are not material but are those that come from the depths of one’s heart and soul. The lesson here is clear: in our pursuit of spiritual growth, we must be willing to sacrifice our own comforts and serve others with the same devotion we would offer to the Lord.


Oh Lord Sri Rámacandra, may we learn from the selfless devotion of Sri Krsnadása Payahári. Grant us the strength to see Your divine presence in all beings and the courage to serve You without hesitation. May our hearts be filled with the spirit of true charity and devotion, and may we always be ready to sacrifice for Your love and service. Let our actions be guided by the pure principles of dharma, and may we receive Your divine grace as we walk the path of righteousness. Jai Sri Rámacandra!

Story from Bhakata Mala