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Wanderings in Braj

Srila Lokanath Goswami, a revered disciple and associate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, was known for his deep devotion and constant wanderings through the holy land of Braj. With his heart absorbed in the divine pastimes of Sri Krishna, Srila Lokanath traveled ecstatically from one sacred site to another. His journey eventually brought him to Khadiravana and then to Kishori Kund, a serene and beautiful spot near the village of Umarao by Chatravana. Captivated by the spiritual ambiance of the place, Srila Lokanath decided to remain there for some time to perform his bhajan in isolation.

The Desire to Worship

As Srila Lokanath immersed himself in his devotional practices, a profound desire arose in his heart to worship Srimati Radha and Sri Krishna in their deity forms. The Supreme Lord, always eager to fulfill the wishes of His sincere devotees, took note of Srila Lokanath’s longing.

The Divine Appearance of Radha Vinod

One day, while Srila Lokanath was absorbed in his devotion, the Supreme Lord Himself appeared before him, holding a beautiful deity in His hands. The Lord introduced the deity as Radha Vinod and then disappeared, leaving Srila Lokanath astonished and overwhelmed with a mix of joy and anxiety. The thought that the Supreme Lord had personally come to deliver this divine gift filled him with awe.

As Srila Lokanath gazed upon the deity, Sri Radha Vinod spoke to him, saying, “I live here on the banks of Kishori Kund in the village of Umarao. I saw your eagerness to serve Me, so I came here Myself. Who else would have brought Me to you? I am very hungry. Quickly prepare something for Me to eat.”

Service to Radha Vinod

Hearing these sweet words, Srila Lokanath’s eyes filled with tears of love and devotion. He immediately began cooking with great care and offered the food to Sri Radha Vinod, who accepted it with satisfaction. Afterward, Srila Lokanath made a bed of flowers for the deity, fanned Him with branches, and joyfully massaged His feet, dedicating his entire being—body, mind, and soul—to the service of Sri Radha Vinod.

Carrying Radha Vinod Close to His Heart

Concerned about where he would keep the deity, Srila Lokanath crafted a large bag, which became Sri Radha Vinod’s temple. He carried the deity close to his heart at all times, treating Him like a precious necklace. The people of Braj, drawn to Srila Lokanath’s extraordinary devotion, offered to build a house for him and his deity. However, Srila Lokanath, living a life of extreme renunciation, declined their offers, accepting only what was absolutely necessary for Radha Vinod’s service.

Arrival in Vrindavan

After spending some time at Kishori Kund, Srila Lokanath eventually made his way to Vrindavan, the heart of Sri Krishna’s pastimes. There, he continued his worship of Sri Radha Vinod with unwavering devotion, setting an example of pure, selfless love for the Lord.

Lessons to Be Learned

  1. Devotion Beyond Rituals: Srila Lokanath’s devotion teaches us that true worship transcends rituals and formalities. It is the sincere desire to serve the Lord with love that attracts His mercy.
  2. The Lord’s Compassion: The story demonstrates how the Lord is always attentive to the desires of His devotees and fulfills them in the most extraordinary ways.
  3. Renunciation and Simplicity: Srila Lokanath’s life is a testament to the power of renunciation and simplicity. By keeping only what was necessary for the service of Radha Vinod, he showed that material possessions are secondary to spiritual fulfillment.
  4. Constant Association with the Lord: Carrying the deity close to his heart at all times symbolizes the ideal state of a devotee—keeping the Lord constantly in one’s heart and mind.


O Supreme Lord Krishna,
Grant us the humility and devotion of Srila Lokanath Goswami,
To serve You with pure love and dedication.
May we always keep You close to our hearts,
Renouncing all that is unnecessary,
And finding joy only in Your divine service.
Guide us to live simply,
And may our hearts be filled with the bliss of Your presence.

Quote from Shastra

“patram puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati
tad ahaṁ bhakty-upahṛtam aśnāmi prayatātmanaḥ”

“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water, I will accept it.”
— Bhagavad Gita 9.26

This verse from the Bhagavad Gita captures the essence of Srila Lokanath’s devotion, where the Supreme Lord accepts even the simplest offering when it is made with love and sincerity.