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The Lustful Man’s Pursuit

Once, there was a man who was very powerful and strongly built, but his character was questionable. He fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl, captivated by her physical appearance. The girl, however, was not only beautiful on the outside but also saintly in character. Because of her virtuous nature, she did not reciprocate the man’s advances. The man, driven by his lustful desires, persisted in his pursuit of her.

The Girl’s Request and Plan

Understanding the man’s intentions, the saintly girl asked him to wait for seven days before meeting her again. The man, filled with anticipation, eagerly agreed and began counting the days, imagining the moment when he would finally be with her.

In the meantime, the girl devised a plan to reveal the true nature of beauty to the man. She began taking strong doses of laxatives and purgatives, causing her to pass loose stool and vomit continually for seven days. She collected all the stool and vomit in pots, storing them carefully. As a result of this self-induced purging, her once beautiful body became thin and emaciated. Her complexion darkened, her eyes sank into the sockets of her skull, and she looked nothing like the radiant girl the man had fallen in love with.

The Man’s Realization

At the appointed time, the man arrived, well-dressed and full of excitement, ready to meet the girl of his dreams. However, when he saw the sickly, skeletal figure waiting for him, he could not recognize her as the same girl he had pursued. Despite her repeated assertions that she was indeed the girl he was looking for, the man refused to believe her, unable to reconcile the image in front of him with the beauty he remembered.

The girl then explained that she had separated the ingredients of her beauty and stored them in pots. She invited the man to enjoy these “juices of beauty” that had so captivated him. Curious and confused, the man asked to see them. The girl led him to the pots filled with foul-smelling stool and vomit. The stench was unbearable, and the man recoiled in disgust.

The Lesson of True Beauty

It was at this moment that the man realized the truth. The girl’s outward beauty had been nothing more than a temporary combination of bodily fluids and matter, all of which had now been separated and revealed in their true form. Through this powerful lesson, the man came to understand that what he had been attracted to was nothing more than an illusion, a fleeting and ultimately repulsive manifestation of material beauty.

The girl, through her saintly wisdom, had helped the man distinguish between the superficial beauty of the body and the real, lasting beauty of the soul. She taught him that true beauty lies in the spiritual spark within, which is eternal and unchanging, unlike the temporary and deceptive appearance of the physical body.

The Deeper Message

This story serves as a reminder that the beauty we often chase in the material world is illusory and fleeting. The real essence of beauty is found in the soul, which is a spark of the divine. This spiritual beauty is indestructible, unlike the material body, which can be easily dismantled to reveal its true, unpleasant nature.

We are all, in some way, like the man in the story—chasing after false beauty and material pleasures, unaware of the true beauty and eternal truth that lies within. The story encourages us to look beyond the surface and seek the spiritual essence that is both truth and beauty, and to recognize that real literature, art, and life are those that reflect and glorify this ultimate truth.

Lessons to Be Learned from the Story

The Illusion of Material Beauty: The story illustrates the transient and deceptive nature of material beauty. What appears attractive on the surface is merely a temporary manifestation that can easily be dismantled, revealing the underlying truth. True beauty lies beyond the physical and resides in the spiritual essence.

The Nature of Real Beauty: Real beauty is eternal and indestructible, unlike the temporary beauty of the material body. The story teaches us to seek the beauty of the soul, which is the spiritual spark, rather than being deluded by the fleeting allure of the body.

Discerning Truth from Illusion: The man’s realization after encountering the saintly girl in her altered state teaches the importance of discerning between the shadow (illusion) and the substance (truth). It is a call to look beyond superficial appearances and understand the essence of true beauty, which is spiritual and everlasting.

The Temporary Nature of Material Pleasures: The story serves as a reminder that material pleasures and attractions are fleeting and can be easily undone, revealing their true, often unpleasant nature. It encourages us to pursue spiritual satisfaction, which is enduring and fulfilling.

Spiritual Knowledge as the Key to Understanding: The narrative emphasizes that spiritual knowledge is crucial for understanding the true nature of reality. Without it, one is likely to be misled by external appearances and fail to grasp the ultimate truth and beauty.

The Superiority of Spiritual Literature: The conclusion drawn by the author highlights the superiority of spiritual literature over mundane writings. Literature that describes the ultimate truth and beauty of the Absolute is considered real and valuable, while literature focused solely on materialistic themes is likened to “loose stool and vomit,” offering no lasting value.

Prayer for Spiritual Discernment and True Understanding

O Supreme Lord, source of all truth and beauty, We bow before You, seeking Your guidance and grace.

Grant us the wisdom to see beyond the illusions of material beauty, And to recognize the eternal beauty of the soul,Which is but a spark of Your divine light.

May we always seek the substance, not the shadow, And discern the truth in all that we encounter.

O Lord, protect us from being misled by temporary pleasures, And help us to focus on the spiritual joys that are everlasting.

Fill our hearts with the knowledge of Your divine pastimes, And let us find true fulfillment in the eternal beauty of Your presence.

May our words and thoughts always be dedicated to the glorification of the ultimate truth, So that our lives may be enriched with the beauty of the Absolute.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.