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Overseeing the Jagannath Temple

At this time, Bhaktivinoda Thakur was serving as the Magistrate at Puri, a role that included overseeing the smooth operation of the Jagannath Temple. The Thakur visited the temple daily, immersing himself in the study of Sanskrit and familiarizing himself with many important Vaishnava literatures. As he took on the monumental task of regenerating the pure movement of Lord Chaitanya, he felt somewhat overwhelmed by the enormity of the mission.

A Prayer for Divine Assistance

Recognizing the need for help, Bhaktivinoda Thakur fervently prayed to Lord Jagannath, asking for a “Ray of Vishnu”—a shaktavesh avatar or empowered living entity—a qualified assistant who could help him preach the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world.

Lord Jagannath’s Divine Message

One night, the Deity of Lord Jagannath personally spoke to the Thakur in a dream, saying, “I didn’t bring you to Puri to execute legal matters, but to establish Vaishnava siddhanta.” Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, who was about forty-two years old at the time, replied, “Your teachings have been significantly depreciated, and I lack the power to restore them. Much of my life has passed, and I am otherwise engaged, so please send somebody from Your personal staff so that I can start this movement.”

The Role of Bimala Devi

In response, Lord Jagannath instructed Bhaktivinoda Thakur to pray for an assistant to the Deity of Goddess Bimala Devi, an expansion of Goddess Lakshmi, who is considered the consort and transcendental potency of Lord Jagannath. The Bimala Devi Temple is located within the Jagannath Temple complex, and no separate food offerings are cooked for her; she only partakes in the remnants of Lord Jagannath’s prasadam.

The Birth of Bimala Prasad

Shortly after this divine exchange, Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s wife gave birth to a son. Linking the event to his visionary dream, the Thakur named the child Bimala Prasad, meaning “the mercy of the transcendental potency of Lord Jagannath, Srimati Bimala Devi.” This name signified the divine grace and blessing that had been bestowed upon Bhaktivinoda Thakur to aid him in his mission.

Lesson to be Learned

This story emphasizes the importance of divine guidance and intervention in fulfilling one’s spiritual mission. Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s humble recognition of his limitations and his earnest prayer for assistance demonstrate the power of sincere devotion and reliance on divine mercy. The birth of Bimala Prasad, later known as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, was a direct response to this prayer, showing how the Lord provides help when His devotees sincerely seek it.


“O Lord Jagannath, just as You guided Bhaktivinoda Thakur in his mission, please guide us in our spiritual endeavors. Grant us the humility to recognize our limitations and the wisdom to seek Your divine assistance. May we always be blessed with the presence of those empowered by Your mercy, who can lead us on the path of devotion and service. Hare Krishna.”